The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Thursday, October 1, 2020


“Not all who wander are lost” (Tolkien) is a truism as much today as when first penned.  Without breaking down the walls around us and stepping outside of the box, few innovative or original thoughts would be developed and different ways of doing things would go undiscovered.  Unless, and until, we begin to wander off the beaten path – searching for things not generally thought of or methods not typically used – things that have always happened will continue to occur in the ways that have worked best in the past (but not necessarily in ways that could be more effective, productive or innovative given the current times).  Had Edison not wandered upon darkened streets – refusing to accept a flickering flame as being the only form of illumination – would we have the electrical power grid that exists today?  Had Whitney not believed that cotton could be milled into cloth in a way that could revolutionize its processing would we have been able to design and create the variety of clothing that now can be offered?  Had a handful of disillusioned souls not wandered across the ocean to an unknown destination – driven forward by the promise of a better tomorrow that offered freedoms of religion, choice and self-governance – would we live within the greatest nation ever formed (EVEN WITH the issues and concerns that must be resolved, Democracy is a journey, not a destination)?  While many that wander aimlessly through life are lost, those that wander with a sense of purpose – a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a difference in the worlds they consciously and intentionally travel – are far from lost.  Rather, they are leaders upon a road not yet discovered travelling towards a goal not yet identified in a world not yet fully evolved.  They seek what has not yet been found while finding and developing all they can as they pass through unchartered territory on their way to a perceived destination – which becomes but a resting place for them to regain their strength before wandering anew.  Wanderers are the leaders of our world, and those willing to wander with them will inevitably find themselves “amazed and astounded” by what wonders can be discovered by those willing to seek alternative realities.

Conversely, not all who are lost wander (Smith) as some choose to put down their roots in a specific “comfortable” place even though they may not be comfortable where they are nor truly know what could be possible with just a little faith or trust.  We cannot expect change unless we are willing to embrace it – until we consciously and intentionally move forward towards a destination not previously discovered.  While some may wander aimlessly at times because they realize they are not where they want to be – sometimes even stumbling upon a great discovery or an unchartered trail – their travels are unplanned and their discoveries unintentional.  Many who may find themselves lost, however, chose to lie low awaiting rescue.  Rather than making a difficult situation any worse they find a safe harbor within which they can ride out the storm – a dry cave in which to crawl as they seek to avoid the “mists” of unknown that cloud their vision but no not totally wash out their paths.  Those who find comfort in the status quo – who are content to live as they have always lived hoping to retain all (but no more) than they have always had – represent the unfortunate souls content to live a life of mediocrity.  When facing a fork in the road, those content with what they have accomplished often seek guidance from their past – looking behind them to find what has worked that can be applied to what could be ahead OR in order to fall back into their past accomplishments by turning from opportunity and remaining within the world of “been there and done that” rather than entering the universe of “what ELSE might be out there for me?”  When facing the unknown, some would prefer to wait for others who might lead them to a different destination – having no interest in striking out on their own upon an undiscovered path that could reveal a new reality.  Those who do not wander will rarely find a way that has not yet been found nor discover a concept that has yet to be imagined.  They are but the worker bees within an ever expanding hive – content to do as they are told in exchange for a planned and consistent universe regardless of the cost.

A rare few individuals are seekers striving for change, validation or innovation – willing to walk away from the safety and security of “what is” in search of things that could be (but have not yet been identified).  Whether they are lost or enlightened, those who wander will often find things along the way not yet identified, tested or tried.  The difference is that those who are lost see their discoveries as an end – a final destination or place to rest – while those seeking innovation, freedom or results not yet identified see their discoveries as the beginning of something entirely new on the way towards greater and higher achievements.  It has been said that the first step of any journey is the hardest but perhaps the second step – that one taken after initially deciding to set out from what has been comfortable and secure while seeking to discover that which is unknown...and those taken after the realization that one must leave what was safe and comfortable before an understanding of what may be gained can be realized – are truly the most difficult.  While many sentences make up a book – and the first is often difficult to write – it is important that we know when (and how) to end each chapter so we can move on from what has been accomplished while seeking what has not yet been achieved.  Many authors, in fact, change their working title many times as they bring their vision to life, seeing their ideas ebb and flow in many different directions before they fully come together to be captured in a single title.  Life...and wandering...are much the same.  A wanderer’s destination may change many times during his or her journey – not because he or she is lost but rather because each end becomes but a new beginning.

As you wander, look back only long enough to know where you have come from.  Stop only long enough to know where you belong.  Leverage your past and your present to establish a future that will never be unveiled unless (and until) you recognize the value of wandering with purpose in search of new realities.  Not all who wander have lost their way but all who refuse to wander have lost their sense of adventure and their desire to be anything different than what they have already become.

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