The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


We often receive an unexpected boost from motivational quotes. Many inspirational thoughts originate within the world of sports BUT life is more than playing games, it is about dreaming what might be our reality if only that which is could become what we hope and wish it to be. It is about reaching beyond our wildest expectations to grasp a slice of reality from a pie not yet baked. It is about setting goals beyond what is achievable so we will be forced outside of the box in which we are comfortable while moving towards things yet to be considered. We all stumble and fall while travelling through life but the difference between success and failure is whether we stay down or we get back up. How great a success (or how serious a failure) is often measured by what we learned by falling.

Some people seek comfort from every storm, preferring to remain within the safe harbors of life without venturing outside the protected coastal waters.  They accept as their treasure the remnants and wreckage washed upon the shore. They accept what they have or what others might give them as all they may ever receive, allowing others to conquer unknown territories and discover treasures far beyond their ability to imagine. As a gull finds sustenance in things discovered that have been discarded by others, they make the most out of what is rather than reaching out for what could be. A gentle breeze may become a raging storm to one seeking tranquility in life – their security disrupted by even the smallest pebble tossed into the sea if calm is the only acceptable outcome.

Others seek adventure, preferring to march head on into the storms of life. They hear the howling of the wind and seek to identify where it came from (rather than seeking shelter from its power), watching the disruption left in its path as it races away.  They accept that the wind cannot be seen and recognize that it cannot be contained yet dreaming of riding upon it to overcome the gravity attempting to hold them back. They prefer to identify opportunities as they move boldly forward in life rather than seeking comfort in what they have accomplished. They would prefer to be a hawk hurtling down towards an elusive prey as they are unable to tolerate being a scavenger relying upon what has been left behind by others for sustenance. Their need for autonomy and independence is far too great to accept the paths forged by others as being the best (or only) ways to do things as they seek opportunity rather than safety...challenges rather than calm.

To move forward through life we must fill our emotional pantries with thoughts of grandeur rather than beliefs that doing as we have always done will produce different results. Stagnations occurs when one believes that “where they are” is “the best that could ever be.” In order to move beyond this false ceiling, take time for the “little things” to become big rather than expecting all things to become significant without thought, effort or consideration. Do not move so fast that you fail to enjoy the journey while seeking a destination. Make time to help others along the way for when the going gets tough, others may be the only lifeline available to keep you going. Find peace and joy in all you say and do, seeking comfort (and reward) from your ability to make discoveries rather than discovering comfort only from what has been done. In order to experience gain within our lives, we must realize change. We must keep our eyes on the prize as we move relentlessly towards it – taking two steps forward for every one that we might fall back – if we expect to grow. The “motivational and inspirational” quotes referenced earlier in this article can often encourage us to move forward rather than giving up along the way. Some thoughts of encouragement – particularly during these unpredictable times – might include:

·         Dreams take time, patience, sustained effort, and a willingness to fail if they are ever to become anything more than dreams. (Brian Linkoski)

·         We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it. (William Osler)

·         The greater danger for most is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too low and we reach it. (Michelangelo)

·         We know what we are but know not what we may be. (William Shakespeare)

·         When the winds of change blow, some people build walls while others build windmills. (Chinese proverb)

·         If all you seek to become can be defined by what you have accomplished, accept comfort in who you are.  Those who truly know you, however, may mourn the death of what you could have become. (Dave Smith)

There is no limit to what we, as people, can accomplish when we seek results and conclusions rather than recognition and credit. We accomplish many things not yet imagined and bring to fruition countless things not previously realized when we seek and claim success during the journey – counting and acknowledging each step taken as we run the race – rather than waiting until our quest has ended to look back finding satisfaction in the results of our effort.

We cannot allow our eyes to drift from the prize if we seek to move from “good” to “great.” It takes commitment, determination and intentional action to move beyond the storms that darken our lives to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. While there is nothing wrong with finding comfort within an accomplishment, one cannot move forward if they are so attached to their short-term success that they allow their long-term potential to pass them by. When we fail to seize opportunity it is often lost. When we chose not to act we have defined a course of action by omission and must accept the ramifications of our contentment rather than enjoying the rewards “of commission” not yet revealed. Make a difference in life by approaching things differently as you move forward. Perhaps your life can become a “motivational and inspirational tool” to those around you as they seek to change – a sail helping to leverage the power of the wind pushing them to new heights rather than an anchor holding them securely within their tranquil harbor.  It is well known that one cannot expect to experience different results by doing things the way they have always been done.  Perhaps it is time that we all focused on what MIGHT BE rather than WHAT IS as we fulfill the ultimate goal in our lives – to make a difference by being different.

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