During today’s competitive market, choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, and truth over popularity are difficult measures of life. Business leaders must continually use consistency, fairness and equity as the litmus test for decisions they make in regards to product offerings, finances and employment-related issues. Employees (or those seeking work) must identify and present truth over fiction, reality over desires and an honest appraisal of what they can do over what they feel they could be capable of doing when seeking advancement or fulfillment. Far too many of the ethical shortcomings in today’s world have their roots in a lack of open and honest communication – people or business seeing what they can get away with rather than doing what they know is right – as they seek the fulfillment of self-serving values.
We often find ourselves in a difficult position after communicating a partial truth, remaining silent on an important aspect or condition, or failing to tell the “why” when issuing instruction or correction. I once spent nearly half an hour explaining to a supervisor what HE should say when disciplining two employees for a serious rules infraction (so he could take ownership of the corrective action). I was surprised and disappointed when he brought both employees into his office then pointed accusingly at me before proclaiming that “I don’t want to do this but Dave says I have to…” The issue was resolved, the supervisor lost all credibility, and we created an opportunity to train a new supervisor to replace the one demoted shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, many situations in life do not allow “demotions” once a misstep has been made. Honesty and integrity must be the benchmark of all communication – fairness and equity the litmus – for an individual to earn and maintain respect.
Several years ago, business leaders made a number of questionable decisions resulting in their VERY public convictions – and onerous laws to prevent the recurrence of their actions were created. Today, many professional athletes are paying the price that making “popular” decisions have wrought but seem to be given a “return to society free pass” once they have fulfilled their punishment. Coaches seem to fall into the same realm of invincibility believing that nothing could happen to them (but seem to avoid scandal by taking the “apology path” perfected by our elected officials when caught in a questionable situation).
Perhaps a return to accountability and total disclosure in all the actions we take – and an application of that same attitude by the officials we elect - would be a good step to take as we return to “business as usual” this fall. When we choose to travel the path of integrity – without looking back – there is never a wrong time to do the right thing!