One must closely monitor progress and constantly identify obstacles that could hinder the accomplishment of goals if he or she wishes to succeed. Consider carefully changes to established plans or your current situation before acting, but remember that the worst possible alternative many take is unintentional inaction.
The game of chess requires many of the same thought processes as life – well planned, intentional actions (rather than "knee jerk" responses to temporary conditions) that limit potential repercussions. I remember playing chess with my dad years ago when he asked how I could respond so quickly after he had agonized over a move for nearly ten minutes. I told him he was good enough to know the few moves he could logically make that made sense – and since he reacted in a predictable and rational manner I was immediately ready with another move.
We need to plan our lives in much the same way. An individual will never reach his or her full potential should too much focus be placed upon the path taken rather than the prize at its conclusion. To taste significant success one must start with an expectation of significant accomplishment.
A rather shortsighted fellow once told me, “If you never dream, you will never fail. If you set your bar low, you will never be disappointed.” I would challenge that without an endpoint you will never know when you have arrived. While you may never be lost when you do not know where you are going, you will never know when you have found what you seek without identifying your destination in advance. Life without purpose can be eventful but is rarely satisfying. It may be full of new beginnings but is strangely at a loss for successful “ends.”
The game of chess requires many of the same thought processes as life – well planned, intentional actions (rather than "knee jerk" responses to temporary conditions) that limit potential repercussions. I remember playing chess with my dad years ago when he asked how I could respond so quickly after he had agonized over a move for nearly ten minutes. I told him he was good enough to know the few moves he could logically make that made sense – and since he reacted in a predictable and rational manner I was immediately ready with another move.
We need to plan our lives in much the same way. An individual will never reach his or her full potential should too much focus be placed upon the path taken rather than the prize at its conclusion. To taste significant success one must start with an expectation of significant accomplishment.
A rather shortsighted fellow once told me, “If you never dream, you will never fail. If you set your bar low, you will never be disappointed.” I would challenge that without an endpoint you will never know when you have arrived. While you may never be lost when you do not know where you are going, you will never know when you have found what you seek without identifying your destination in advance. Life without purpose can be eventful but is rarely satisfying. It may be full of new beginnings but is strangely at a loss for successful “ends.”