Have you ever met someone who set a course in life based
on how many others are doing the same thing?
Such individuals rarely seek to MAKE a difference – rather they tend to
AVOID being “different” as much as possible.
They do not seek alternative solutions (often failing to even attempt identifying
problems, investigating their root cause and acting to resolve them IF they
even admit to there being something amiss), they tend to take the path of least
resistance and “go where others are going” or focus on the “wrongs” of others
so their questionable actions seem much more “right.” Some feel that the ONLY way to travel
somewhere is along paved superhighways, seeking the most direct route to a
destination rather than finding “joy in the journey” along a scenic back road
or unimproved path. To those of you
finding comfort in the familiar – being content to travel upon roads previously
discovered while refusing to challenge the status quo – the rest of this
article may hold little value. To those,
however, seeking to forge their own path as they investigate new opportunities
and discover alternative rewards, these thoughts are written as testimony to
your creativity and innovation – to your insatiable spirit of adventure and
love for life.
Far too many people diminish their potential by following
the crowd (and even, perhaps, being seen as doing what is “right and prudent”)
rather than following their own beliefs (intentionally acting upon their
thoughts and feelings rather than refusing to acknowledge their existence). They do what is popular rather than standing
strong on their own values, judgments and decisions. They choose acceptance by the majority rather
than the criticism that standing alone might initiate. “Followers” accept that “things are as they
should be” rather that seeking what “could be.”
They feel validated by thinking, “I am no different than anyone else”
rather than believing, “I am a unique individual whose potential is limited
only by my own actions and behaviors.”
the crowd is easy as you do what others accept, go where others are going, act
as others expect and find a sense of community by blending in. Travelling familiar
roads and doing “politically correct” or “acceptable things” can take the bumps
and turns out of one’s journey BUT when we do things as they have always been
done we can expect nothing more than has already been accomplished. Only when we accept that unexpected results
will come ONLY when we seek to create a different reality than that chosen by
the crowd will we realize that loss can become gain, failure can breed success,
and the decision to stop can be both a conclusion and a beginning. Followers of a crowd tend to accept the
group’s vision as a final destination rather than as a foundation upon which an
unrealized future could be built.

might YOU be able to accomplish – what potential might you be able to realize –
if you “marched to your own drummer” rather than listening to the tunes sung by
others? Make the most of your
individuality in whatever you may say or do by taking “the plunge” this
summer! Though not as refreshing a jump
as entering a cool lake on a hot day, you will find “being all you can be” is
much more fulfilling (and rewarding) than being “all that your friends wish you
were.” Forging your own path may require
more work than taking the road of least resistance BUT the rewards will more
than offset the increased effort as you achieve greatness in both your dreams
AND your reality.