America was built upon the belief that individuals can
realize unlimited opportunity through hard work and the effective utilization
of resources. Thanksgiving recognizes the sacrifice made by so many AND the
relationships developed within a new land in celebrating the sweat equity
invested to make the harvest possible. Some farmed, some hunted, some cooked,
some served – but all shared in the feast they helped prepare. Implied within
this basic tenant is that while we ARE created equally, we possess different
gifts, abilities, and competencies so we ARE NOT presumed to be equal in our
ability to produce or achieve results.
Our “roots” establish within each of us a morale and ethical duty to PROVIDE
for all – but that does not mean all are entitled to receive EQUAL treatment. While
we all taste success, life is an environment of equitability rather than of
equality. Our efforts do not create EQUAL results - they produce results that
reflect EQUITABLY against the abilities we have developed, the intelligence we
apply, and outcomes we achieve.
Our country has survived many challenges from outside our borders. We have
overcome adversity, established ourselves as world leaders in almost any
endeavor we choose to pursue, and shared our riches with many having less. If
the greatness of our country is to survive, we must brace ourselves to overcome
attacks from within – attacks on an individual’s ability to demonstrate excellence,
the opportunity to reap the rewards of individual efforts, and the belief that
one is limited ONLY by his or her own shortcomings – by embracing the freedoms
and unlimited possibilities we currently share.

We will soon be given the opportunity to express our
opinions – to endorse the current “state of affairs” or to exercise the rights
we have in this country – thanks to the efforts and sacrifice of our
forefathers – to vote for change. Tomorrow that window of opportunity is open
for all to freely express their personal opinion (hopefully honed and developed
through research, investigation and discovery rather than simply doing what
someone in the media tells you to do). If you HAVE voted, thank you for helping
to sustain our way of life. If you HAVE NOT voted, study tonight so that you
can express yourself intelligently tomorrow. Voting is but one of our “unalienable
rights” in this Country. Do not let your opportunity to help determine the
future direction of this country slip through your hands “as but water through
your fingers.”
As you celebrate Thanksgiving this year, consider not
only the harvest but also the work that went into preparing for it. Celebrate
the effort as much as the rewards. Recognize the investor as much as you do the
return on his or her investment. Enjoy your time with family and friends but
hold dear the hard work that made the dreams of those who came before us
reality – and pray our efforts can help them continue for those who will