The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


He stood on the edge of his world…
Watching and Waiting.

He watched as life passed him by, as it played out its hand, as it ran its course…
He watched as painted people lived their pictured lives…as hollow forms moved through empty existence.
He watched as metallic voices cried out to deafened, unhearing cold hearts pumped lifeless blood into the vacuum of their souls.

And he waited for love to touch their world...and for peace to enter their chaotic existence.

He turned from the scene that lay before him, facing away from their tortured souls, as they played out the life they had been given - acting out the roles they had been assigned.

He sought others to join him…others who waited…others who recognized the futility of life without feeling.
He sought those refusing to accept existence without purpose…relationships without love…reality without dreams.
He sought those who found reality living within a world of possibilities…rather than being satisfied to exist within the confines of their circumstances.
He sought those who existed within a world restrained only by the limitations of their dreams…
rather than being limited by the reality of their troubled worlds.
He sought those who would challenge the life they had been given…rather than accepting the burdens they had convinced themselves were real.

Searching desperately for those who would share his watching…his waiting…his dreaming…of a perfect world filled with love and laughter so that he would no longer simply watch…merely wait…endlessly dream…but begin to truly live…

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Life is not a spectator sport – it requires careful consideration, intelligent planning and intentional action. Most successful individuals establish basic tenants for their life – rules they use to hold themselves accountable for their own actions. While everyone lives by some set of values and ethics, some of the rules that provide the “highest return on investment” would include the following:

• It is OK and natural to dislike parts of your job (or your situation or relationship). It is NOT OK to avoid, refuse to do, or ignore the parts you dislike – or to discuss openly your dissatisfaction with others not having a need to know your opinion.

• It is OK to make a mistake BUT do not repeat the same mistake. It is OK to make a wrong decision – any well-thought out decision is better than no decision. Learn from your errors, using them as a springboard to propel you forward. People will usually work with you as long as you continue to show measurable progress or growth.

• Focus on things you can control. Identify obstacles that are outside of your sphere of influence and actively seek to eliminate the hurdles by giving them up to someone who has the ability to influence them.

• Lying, cheating, or stealing is intolerable. If you are the best performer or individual with the highest results…but those results came through dishonesty or at someone else’s expense…you will not be respected, credible NOR working (or participating in an ongoing relationship) for very long.

• Results are recognized – effort is merely a means to the end. Seek not praise for working hard or contributing greatly – let recognition come your way through the results your effort achieved.

• All individuals may speak, question, and have a voice in any decision…but that does not mean all votes are equal. Life is not a democracy…input is valued but the individual responsible for the ultimate success of any endeavor must – and will - make the final decision. Do not confuse “equal” with “equitable.”

• There is nothing that “cannot be done.” While some solutions may not be cost-effective, or are simply impractical or beyond our ability to implement, “I can’t,” “It’s not possible,” and other self-condemning attitudes are not acceptable. Well thought-out solutions to issues you may encounter while doing your job (or during life in general) are not reasons for celebration, they are simply expectations of the way you should continually exhibit and utilize your abilities.

Everyone comes to a fork in the road – a decision point that forever changes what they have done, redirecting all efforts and activities towards the accomplishment of what they have yet to become. Do not walk blindly upon an uncharted path or you may end up missing a turn and becoming helplessly mired in a ditch. Establish the rules YOU choose to live by then keep them close to you, guiding your steps and actions as you reach for the stars!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What do YOU think about the “if you are at least two months behind in payments…” or the “if you have at least $30,000 in credit card debt…” ads that dangle the “it’s OK if you get in trouble” carrot in front of us IF ONLY we call now? There seem to be dozens of “escapes” available to consumers (mostly at the expense of producers) – but what about an honest to goodness opportunity for business to save money while trying to grow and remain viable?

To paraphrase one of the “personal debt” pitchmen, “If your business wants to become more profitable – to become more competitive within a global market – DO NOT miss The Employers’ Association’s Vendor Open House on October 21, 2010 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.”

Put into practice the lessons learned these past few tough years. Work smarter (not harder) to create growth. Leverage every opportunity you can to add value to your organization – it will improve YOUR value within the organization. Move towards the future rather than dwelling in the past. NEVER pay full price if you can get the same quality service for less!

Our Open House will feature refreshments, information, and many of the partnerships we’ve established with members to help make YOUR BUSINESS more profitable through discounted offerings, features available only through The Association, or programs bundled in a manner that makes “doing business” almost as easy as “calling 1-800…” to get out of personal debt.

Contact us today (616.698.1167) to learn more about our partnerships AND how The Association can help you by “providing practical Human Resource Solutions to West Michigan employers that promote operational excellence and sustainability.” We ask only that you tell us you are coming AND you bring an open mind willing to exchange “the way things have always been” for new and different ways that will allow you to experience business success “the way you’d prefer it to be!”

Friday, October 8, 2010


Motivational posters inspire us by linking a strong visual image with an appeal of greatness to our inner selves. The profitability of organizations such as “Successories” validates our craving for external inspiration.

Sports quotes often inspire and motivate to greatness by linking individual ambitions to the accomplishments of others. “We don’t lose – we just run out of time.” “It’s not the getting knocked down that counts – it’s the getting up.” A plethora of these quotes are used in business today to build teams AND self-confidence.

Rarely has one of these inspirational pieces captured my imagination, however, as one I received recently for my birthday (nor has it so succinctly stated what it takes to thrive within uncertain times). How would YOU finish this partially expressed thought?

Risk more than others think safe, care more than other think wise, dream more than others think practical, expect more than others think possible…

If, indeed, you were to do these four things, where might you be today? What might you have accomplished had you risked more than others thought was safe or expected more than others thought could have been possible? How great an impact might you have had on someone if only you had cared more than others thought was wise? Would your “station” in life be different today had you dreamed (and lived out that dream) more than others thought practical?

There are many things in life that motivate – inspirational quotes…powerful images…captivating thoughts – but the greatest motivators in life are experiential. We will grow, accomplish and succeed only when we accept risk, express care, dare to dream, and know all things are possible.

As inspirational as quotes and posters may be, stop linking yourself to the success of another. Be unafraid and begin to experience your own!

Friday, October 1, 2010


A good manager must operate as if propped up by a three-legged stool balancing firmly upon a foundation of Capability, Consistency, and Credibility.

While many can express a thorough knowledge of products, systems or sets of facts, one is not deemed “capable” of managing until that understanding is applied to a situation or set of circumstances in such a way that employees experience positive (and sustainable) change. Capability cannot be “claimed,” it must be demonstrated through every word spoken and action taken.

Though many feel that to “be a leader” they must initiate change, employees must understand the “why” before they will respond to the “what” of fresh starts. Alterations to the pre-determined course of action can create untold fear and anxiety within a workforce when managers drift aimlessly upon the winds. A manager seeking to lead effectively must be consistent and predictable in his or her thought patterns (but NOT hesitant to try new things or walk in new directions).

Unless one’s judgment and integrity is established – a basic understanding of people, their needs and their preferences clearly expressed – a manager may command but will never motivate. Lasting change cannot be born through fear – it must emanate from inspiration. A manager that knows the right things to say but chooses to act differently – that can “teach” but cannot seem to “do” – will never be an effective, inspirational leader.

A good blend of capability, consistency and credibility allows us to say what we are going to do, to do what we say we will, and to take responsibility for the outcome of our actions. Make sure you maintain a firm foundation upon all three legs of your management stool when leading those that depend on your direction!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I spoke to a company recently about the difficulty they are having finding entry level manufacturing help. Much has been said about the lack of qualified candidates having the requisite job skills to perform specialized positions available within our region – but it seems strange that no- to low- skilled positions are difficult to fill, also. Another testament to our times would be the employer heard on the radio saying that a job fair to hire 25 employees for $10.00 per hour (as long as they tested negative for drugs) resulted in 10 applicants.

While it is difficult to find work during these economic times, and there are individuals looking long and hard to find jobs that would utilize their abilities, it seems our unemployment system might be de-motivating some in terms of a job search by paying too much for too long. When the last unemployment extension passed Congress, the temporary service that this organization uses could not find qualified employees to fill their entry-level positions (someone actually told the firm that their unemployment benefit had been extended so they no longer needed to work!).

Michigan has a high level of unemployment (which understandably causes a high level of frustration to those legitimately seeking work) but it is very disconcerting when one hears that it is more economically advantageous to access the government system than to accept a position that does not pay very much money. Our country built upon the concept of free enterprise – the belief that a consumer-driven system whose ability to supply should meet or exceed its demands.

When did our country become so adept at giving to individuals according to their needs (or wants) while taking from individuals based on their ability to pay? We tread upon a dangerous path when we choose the one offering no resistance. Do not allow a third party (the Government, in this case) to remove your desire to taste the feast of success by filling you with cheese and crackers before the main course. While snacks are always welcome, they often cause us to lose sight of the meal to which we are entitled.

It is a slippery slope upon which we tread when we embrace the concept of getting something for nothing – for often nothing ventured truly does result in nothing gained!

Monday, September 13, 2010


While our Constitution grants us certain freedoms and unalienable rights, do these freedoms extend into the workplace? There was once an understanding that individuals are accountable for what they do and say – has this accountability been lost over time? What ownership does an individual have (or expect to have) over personal materials found on his or her company computer – or does use of a workplace computer for personal reasons constitute a misuse of corporate resources? Does an organization have (and expect to retain) ownership to all thoughts, ideas, communications or activities that are generated “at or as a result of work”?

Our world is changing. Where once we worried about “unauthorized removal of company property” we must now concern ourselves with “e-communicated” thoughts, ideas, trade secrets OR the inappropriate use of company time due to potential misuse of the tools that we use to make us more efficient.

Does a worker have a “right to privacy” when at work? What is reasonable “personal use” of a computer (if any), of a copy machine (what is too much), or of the company phone system (is a personal conversation ever acceptable)? Conversely, if an Organization allows “limited use of company time and equipment” (as many do), does the Company retain the right to monitor any personal communications or examine any files marked “personal” if they stored on the individual’s assigned terminal or system?

We tend to create onerous rules and laws that are difficult to enforce as we attempt to protect worker privacy, workplace sanctity, and insure that employment discrimination has not occurred. Perhaps we should put as much time and effort into accomplishing the core objective of the workplace – to produce exceptional goods or services – as we do to insure that individual freedoms are retained. A return to the tenant that each individual should receive “an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work” might go a long way into eliminating the need for workplace privacy issues. What do YOU think?

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Labor Day, the creation of organized labor meant to recognize the social and economic achievements of American workers, has become an annual tribute to the contributions our nation’s workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.

New York City workers celebrated the first Labor Day in 1882. The first governmental recognition for the Holiday came through municipal ordinances passed during 1885 and 1886. Oregon became the first state to enact a law recognizing the Holiday in 1887. By 1894, 30 other states had followed suite in honoring workers. Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday shortly thereafter.

A street parade exhibiting to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of the community followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of workers and their families were focal points of the first Holiday. As time passed, speeches have placed more emphasis on the economic and civic significance of the holiday than on the labor organizations at its roots.

The character of the Labor Day celebration has undergone changes in recent years. It has become associated with the end of summer and a return to “business as usual.” Children return to school (delayed until after the Holiday by many states until the “vacation season” is done). With private sector union representation declining in our country, it has become a day to celebrate the American worker, his or her lifestyle, and the contribution our workforce has made to making ours one of the highest standards of living with the greatest rate of productivity the world has ever known.

At issue as we celebrate another Labor Day is whether or not the values of our past will carry forward into the future – whether the impact that generations of independent, hard-working individuals have had on our country and its wealth – will survive.

We should pause to consider that Labor Day recognizes and celebrates the American Workforce –the spirit that anyone can succeed if he or she is willing to identify a goal, to work hard towards its accomplishment and to sacrifice much for its fulfillment. Do not allow Labor Day to become simply another day off from work. It has grown beyond being a “worker’s Holiday” to a time meant to recognize the work we have accomplished and to celebrate the work that must still be done.

Friday, August 13, 2010


The sun was shining bright that day,
The skies did seem quite cloudy…
Spring's silent promise filled the air,
While thunder rumbled loudly…

Success within his grasp was sweet,
But failure fell upon him…
The nightmares of past losses clear,
Life’s dreams fought to supplant them…

Lemons were all ripe for harvest,
Though apples were abundant…
With lemonade his specialty,
Thoughts of cider seemed redundant…

These senseless thoughts and wanderings
Must quickly reach an end…
For life is not the things we’ve done,
Its hopes still ‘round the bend…

I hope you are having an enjoyable summer - and taking the time to make lemonade from any bitter fruit that passes your way. We often find ourselves beneath a fallen house of cards when we let troubles get the best of us – buried by life’s circumstances as they crash down around us. If we consciously chose to conquer just one thing at a time – even if we seem to fall two steps back for every step taken forward – simply making progress brings us closer to realizing the hopes and dreams awaiting us just 'round the bend...

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Time is seemingly in abundance when we have nothing to do – yet it flies as if on the wings of eagles when we would prefer it to stand still. Some tend to worry more about when they will finish the race than they do about the pleasure found along the way or the satisfaction of simply crossing the finish line. Many worry needlessly about things outside of their control rather than acting upon things over which they do have influence. Others feel they never have the time to appreciate the things around them so they dare not “stop to smell the roses.” Those individuals will often find themselves slaves to the very clock they so desperately sought to master.

Far too many people complain about their lemons rather than celebrating the opportunity to make lemonade. Instead of embracing their own individual gifts and abilities, they dwell upon the fact that others possess the things or attributes that they would prefer to exhibit. Rather than finding satisfaction in all they have accomplished, they see only what has not been finished due to a lack of time.

Whenever I become lost in time, chasing maddeningly after the tip of second hand as it races around the clock face, I remind myself that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the number of moments that take our breath away.

Spend some time during the waning moments of summer to immerse yourself in the beauty around us – seeking solace in the cry of a gull or finding joy in the laughter of a child – then take your life back from the clock as it ticks relentlessly on. Then you, too, may find that time is but a measurement rather than the measure upon which we must base our lives.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Imagination is the ability to challenge the world of “what is” by relentlessly asking “why not?”

I was splitting wood for our furnace several years ago. A neighborhood child joined me and began asking questions with every swing of my splitting maul. “Could you hear that if nobody was here to listen?” “Why can’t you burn the wood without splitting it?” The one that struck home was “Why didn’t you start at that log?” as I finished the job. To a child, starting at the end made a lot of sense. He saw my work as having been completed with the splitting of that particular log – and had I started there the job would have been finished almost before it began.

A person can show great proficiency without ever exhibiting imagination. Conversely, an individual will never demonstrate imagination by simply accomplishing the work assigned without asking “why not…?” Accepting a standard response to a “why” question often satisfies those willing to do nothing more than the minimum. An understanding of what must be done as well as a verbalization of what might yet be accomplished is demonstrated when one researches enough – or is interested enough – to ask “why not?”

Given the choice between a “doer” and a “dreamer,” I would prefer to live within my imagination than within my reality. A realist accepts only what can be defined and demonstrated – content to accomplish the dreams and desires of others. I would prefer to live amongst those who imagine what has not yet been proven – has not yet been established – for they will accept nothing less than the great things they are destined to accomplish in this world.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Many people live within the memories of their past, dwelling in thoughts of the safe places that bring them happiness and security rather than seeking new beginnings - living comfortably within a sheltered world of accomplishments. When life is contained within established thoughts and dreams of “what is” and re-enactments of “what has been,” can one ever realize his or her full potential?

Some dream of what could be, casting off the limitations of “what is” or “what was” in defference to the promise and possibility of what has yet to be - of how things might be different than they have shown themselves to be - establishing that nothing is impossible. Can one live within a world defined by everyday reality when continually seeking one of unlimited potential and possibility?

We need but our eyes to see but casting a vision requires our imagination. We need but our ears to hear yet understanding the cause and purpose of a sound requires our mind.

While our memories are necessary to remind us of what we have accomplished –of the things we can do, our dreams provide an indication of what has yet to be – leading us to places not yet realized. As we bring today’s dreams to fruition, they become yesterday’s memories.

If one ceases to dream, can he or she continue to grow – or to even exist?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


When you see a storm coming, do you think about the destruction that it will bring – the ways that your daily activities will be inconvenienced – or do you think of the beauty and power that will be displayed and the sense of freshness that remains once it’s passed? When someone tries to bring you down so they can feel more important and self-assured, do you accept the mantle of subservience or do you rise above it by recognizing (and acting upon) the reason for the attack rather than allowing yourself to be diminished by it? When life hands you lemons, do you wallow in your misfortune seeking comfort and support from others or do you set up a lemonade stand to profit from the troubles that have originated through no direct fault of your own?

While “bad things happen” in our lives everyday, they often cannot be attributed to any direct action we consciously take. We can grow from adversity only if we accept challenges as but temporary set-backs that attempt to block the path we’ve chosen while seeking our planned destination rather than allowing ourselves to be stopped dead in our tracks by their very presence. Summer brings with it a sense of new beginnings and new perspectives. Internalize this fresh start by looking for the “silver lining” within each cloud that passes your way. Seek the rainbow at the end of every storm. Rather than projecting only what others would have you to be, radiate all you have to offer to those around you as you intentionally seek to make a difference.

Friday, May 21, 2010


What is the “new normal” to you? I’ve heard the term linked with the different values each generation brings to the workforce. I’ve heard the “new normal” as being anything replacing that which is old or outdated. The new normal has been used to address ongoing high unemployment, periods of continuing inflation (or recession), or an unexpected change in work schedule that extends beyond a short period of time.

Increased hiring activity within certain occupations is viewed as being the new normal, while individuals working outside of these “preferred” occupations might be considered headed for extinction. Longer (or shorter) work schedules? Those, too, fall into the catch-all category of being the new normal – the industry in which you work defining whether the new normal means more (or less) work during these boom (or bust) times.

It seems that things once viewed as being “different” or “unique” have lost their luster, being replaced by a continuous wave of sights, experiences and instances that become the “new normal” regardless of how long (or short) their existence. An individual lacking focus and direction was once thought of as being a dreamer who “tilted at windmills.” He (or she) is now considered to be “multi-tasking,” unwilling to be constrained by the traditional confines of time and space as higher goals and aspirations are pursued.

Whatever your “new normal” might be – or the term might mean to you – don’t forget to reflect upon the past, embrace the present, then seek to clearly differentiate your dreams, goals and imaginings before bringing them to fruition as you build towards a brighter tomorrow. Allow each day’s sunset to bring closure to your life – so that each and every morning might offer a new beginning - a “new normal” in which you might truly thrive.

Friday, May 14, 2010


It has been written that variety is the spice of life BUT it seems many seek to homogenize the world by establishing their own values as the standard to which others should be measured. To these short-sighted souls, walking a mile in another’s shoes means that others would be wise to follow the path they have chosen, and the thought of sharing the lifestyle of another (and possibly growing from the differences) would be but an effort in futility!

Why is it so hard for some to accept that all have value and worth in the world just as they are, choosing instead to either pull those that “have not” up OR to drag those that “have” down? To those seeking to change the world – have you ever considered that not all wish to change? To those seeking equality for all – have you considered that equity might be a better alternative? Why do some make their lives more difficult by trying to change all things rather than only those that can (or should) be altered?

As summer approaches, take a step back and accept the “person” within each personality you meet. Elevate each individual without reducing their individuality to but a reflection of what you think they should be. Accept life as it is and others as they are – perhaps you can share the happiness they’ve found within a less complicated existence!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


We often hear the phrase "draw a line in the sand" in regards to putting one thought or course of action to rest before moving on to another. The drawing of such a line, however, tends to emphasize the end of something old as much (if not more) than the beginning of something new.

In an ideal world of "what if" (rather than our reality of "what is") I'd prefer to think that drawing a line in the sand signals the beginning of something new, different and challenging - being the springboard towards a reality that exists but within your imagination - rather than as the end of something negative. The craftsmen shown in this vacation photograph are clearly drawing lines in the sand to transform a vision that could only be imagined into a reality for the rest of us to experience.

The next time YOU decide to draw a line in the sand, think more about where you are going...about what new reality can be experienced because of the actions you take...than where you've been or what you'd prefer not to repeat. The future is made up of dreams becoming reality, not of actions taken to avoid negative consequences.

Monday, March 8, 2010


You've heard the phrase "smoke and mirrors" when referencing something that isn't quite as it appears to be. It's been used (perhaps appropriately?) when talking about both our Nation's and our State's economies in recent months. Saying something is improving doesn't make it so - nor does generating wealth through the creation of debt stabalize an economy. Perhaps our elected leadership should step back and look at the true beauty of "smoke" then look hard into a mirror to discover reality.