The sun was shining bright that day,
The skies did seem quite cloudy…
Spring's silent promise filled the air,
While thunder rumbled loudly…
Success within his grasp was sweet,
But failure fell upon him…
The nightmares of past losses clear,
Life’s dreams fought to supplant them…
Lemons were all ripe for harvest,
Though apples were abundant…
With lemonade his specialty,
Thoughts of cider seemed redundant…
These senseless thoughts and wanderings
Must quickly reach an end…
For life is not the things we’ve done,
Its hopes still ‘round the bend…
I hope you are having an enjoyable summer - and taking the time to make lemonade from any bitter fruit that passes your way. We often find ourselves beneath a fallen house of cards when we let troubles get the best of us – buried by life’s circumstances as they crash down around us. If we consciously chose to conquer just one thing at a time – even if we seem to fall two steps back for every step taken forward – simply making progress brings us closer to realizing the hopes and dreams awaiting us just 'round the bend...
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