One can only become what he or she perceives as being achievable. If one “dreams big,” great things can happen. If one chooses to live within their present abilities, he or she may never realize the fullness of their potential. When we stretch our goals – reaching for fruit from the highest branches rather than accepting only low hanging fruit – we will taste success far beyond that shared by the masses.
I would guess that few individuals could have imagined the impact a river could have on the landscape prior to the Grand Canyon’s formation. Who would have imagined that the Wright Brother’s first flight could have taken us to where we are today? So many conveniences in life began as a dream but materialized because someone had faith their idea could become reality. If we can work towards a cure for cancer, why do so many find it impossible to find fulfillment in their life’s work?
I have spoken to several individuals recently about career changes – about becoming something they wish to be rather than what they are. The conversation typically focuses on things they do not like about their present job RATHER THAN around those aspects they enjoy. They speak of things they would “rather do” instead of building upon the things they do well. They seek to avoid their weaknesses rather than maximizing their strengths. Should they choose to “run away” from a current situation RATHER THAN running towards a better one, will they ever be truly happy?
Use the talents you were given – leveraging your strengths as you strengthen your weaknesses – and you will never work a day in your life. Dream big – the seemingly insignificant streams that course through your life may take on the power of waterfalls (if only you believe)!
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