With January’s arrival, we face a “return to reality” and an
opportunity to start anew. The Holiday
season has ended and we must get back into the swing of things quickly – our feet
hitting the ground running lest we be left behind by an ever changing
world. As we transition from what was
once a slower time (though we have seen more work and less play making many
people a bit more frantic coming out of the Holiday season) to a more active New
Year (full of hope, promise and the realization of dreams), we should think
more about what really matters AND how we can ensure it becomes reality than
spending our time focusing on frivolous resolutions or insignificant change.
We must never try to be someone we are not – or do something
ONLY because others are doing it. Many
individuals return to work with fresh “resolutions” to do something (or be
something) different BUT do not adequately prepare themselves to address and
accomplish the transition. Unless there
is more gain from the change than pain from NOT changing, such mid-stream
corrections rarely prove effective.
People change very little once they have established their basic values,
patterns and thought processes UNLESS they are equipped with the tools needed
to initiate change AND internally motivated to maintain it once accomplished. It is often easier (and more effective) to
leverage an individual’s strengths than it is to try to change their
shortcomings. As Dr. Seuss aptly proclaimed, "Be who you are and say what
you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't
The Holidays are a great time for people to sit back and
dream – about what they have (or do not have), who they are (or who they might
wish to be), and what they want to do differently (so that they can achieve an
altered results). Stephen Leacock
stated, "It may be that those who do most, dream most." One must first imagine something as being a
possibility before it can become a probability – must see the need AND the potential
for transformation before it becomes a “need” rather than a “desire” but must
also remember that “Dreams take time, patience, sustained effort, and a willingness to fail
if they are ever to be anything more than dreams." (Bryan

Life is a series of starts and stops – of closed chapters
and of new beginnings. Insanity is doing
things the way they have always been done but expecting the results to change. If we are to see change as we move from one year
to the next, it is important that we not only recognize the need for altered
behavior but that we intentionally ACT to make it happen. Knowing the facts and understanding how to
make change happen does not necessarily ensure that our resolutions will be
accomplished or our transformation made complete. Will Rogers appropriately stated, "Even
if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit
there." As our seasons
change – accompanied by our actions and our attitudes – we should embrace the
thoughts expressed by William Osler ("We are here to add what we
can to life, not to get what we can from it"). If we seek only what is handed to us we will never realize a
life that is unique, self-directed and independent from those more than willing
to direct our actions and determine our course.
Sadly, many seem to seek equality rather than equity in the world. They pull down those who are successful,
taking from them the fruits of their labor in an effort to narrow the gap
between “those who have and those who have not” rather than providing “those
without” the tools necessary to narrow the gap through their own
productivity. While good, hard-working individuals
seeking employment often find they do not have the requisite skills to perform
available jobs (and seek the training needed to bridge that gap), far too many
jobs remain unfilled because the sting of not working is more than sufficiently
salved by an ever-expanding system of safety nets, entitlement programs and “social
As the “old year” comes to an end and a new beginning
presents itself, perhaps we could gain from both the wisdom and reality of Mark
Twain when he said "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world
owes you nothing. It was here first." We are not “owed” success – we must first seek
it then act to make it reality. Make 2015 a year of successful transformation by
thinking big and acting audaciously without fearing failure – then
incorporating the lessons learned from each temporary setback into intentional actions that result in long-term success.