Some people seem to possess
positive characteristics so distinguishing them from others that they seem to
“walk on water.” Others seem never to
make mistakes – everything they touch turning to gold – their very presence
tending to lift those around them to achieve better results. (While they truly ARE NOT always right nor do
they ALWAYS make the right decision, they usually identify their errors and
correct them quickly – before others can see negative results – rather than
proclaiming them from the rooftops and revealing their woes for the world to
see.) We see them as “super stars”
shining brightly above all others – and they often see themselves as being
above the crowd and beyond the fray.
These rare individuals do not need much guidance – they simply need clear
objectives and general direction from someone willing to get out of their way
as they move forward to accomplish great things.
Increasingly (and
unfortunately), it seems that people often seek success at the expense of
others or wish to secure the “gains” of winning through the failures of
others. These individuals do not look to
see who may have been stepped on during their rise to the top nor what rules
might have been broken (or at least bent badly) along the way. Whenever we find ourselves facing the reality
of another’s inappropriate behavior (whether it affects us personally or not)
we should first identify how our actions (either explicit or implicit) may have
condoned the behavior and what might we be able to do to alter that validation. We should look inward before striking outward
– did something YOU said or expectations you imposed upon another drive him or
her into an area outside of his or her core competency, experience or abilities
– but MUST NOT excuse the results by giving a pass on the behavior. We should identify what kinds of “outside
pressures” the person may be feeling that would make him or her act
inappropriately BUT cannot excuse the behavior because of their inability to
act appropriately. When helping an
individual correct his or her inappropriate behavior we should establish how
much of the blame we might realistically assume BUT must not build the net of
deflection so strongly that responsibility is shifted away from the individual
and onto his or her surroundings, experiences or the actions of
others so none of the blame is assumed by the “offending party.”

People do not really change
much – they tend to be what they were allowed to become. Rather than trying to change people behaving
badly we must identify (specifically) the inappropriate behavior causing the
disruption then clearly and concisely communicate “why” that behavior must
change – discussing the ramifications of continued poor behavior ALONG WITH the
rewards of altered behavior. Only by focusing
on the negative impact of continued inappropriate behavior – by defining an
effect that can be linked directly to the cause - while detailing the rewards
of appropriate behavior will inappropriate action ever be diminished (though,
due to our human nature, it will never be totally addressed!). Ultimately, as with any change, we must make
sure that the rewards of change are greater than the benefits of remaining the
same – that more pain is experienced should one NOT change than might be
experienced should they alter their path.
We will never address
inappropriate behavior as long as we accept it (why would someone change
without a compelling reason or reward)? Perhaps
Pogo had it right when he said “We have found the enemy and it is us…” Unless (and until) we refuse to accept
inappropriate behavior, we have only ourselves to blame for its existence!
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