often receive an unexpected boost from motivational quotes. Many originate within the world of sports BUT
life is more than playing games – it is about dreaming what might be our
reality if only that which is could become what we hope, wish and dream it to
be. It is about reaching beyond our
wildest expectations to grasp a slice of reality from a pie not yet baked. It is about setting goals beyond what is
achievable so that we force ourselves outside of the box in which we are comfortable
and move towards things yet to be considered by standing upon the cardboard to
search for those things that have not yet been imagined. We all stumble and fall while travelling
through life – the difference between success and failure being whether we stay
down or we get back up – and what we learn from the experience.
react to challenges differently. Some
seek comfort from every storm – preferring to remain within the safe harbors of
life, never venturing outside the protected coastal waters as they accept the
remnants and wreckage that wash up to shore.
They allow others to seek new adventures – to conquer unknown
territories and discover treasures far beyond their ability to imagine. They are gulls finding sustenance in things
discovered and discarded by others. To
them, a gentle breeze may appear to be a raging storm – the tranquility of
their calm disrupted by even the smallest pebble tossed into the sea. If one were to equate such an existence to the
hyena it would be apparent that scavengers ARE able to exist. Rarely, however, does an individual reach
greatness when they rely upon “pack mentality” to survive NOR does one receive
the “first fruits” when they gratefully accept what comes to them rather than
seeking to discover how much more might be available if only they were to
stretch beyond their accepted paradigm.

As we
move through life we must leave our yesterdays behind as we pass through our today
in anticipation of all that tomorrow might bring. Unless we fill our emotional pantries with thoughts
and visions of grandeur – with hopes and promises of a yet to be defined future
reality rather than doing as we have always done while expecting different
things to happen to us – we MAY find momentary happiness but will never find
the peace to accept that “what is” is all that “could be.” Whenever you begin to feel that “where you
are” is better (rather than just safer or more secure) than “where you could be,”
consider the following:
you begin (or refresh) your journey through life, take time for the little
things to become big. Do not move so fast that you fail to enjoy
the journey as you seek a destination BUT do not become so enamored with the
journey that you never rest or recharge along the way. Find time to help others along the way – to
share your strengths and experiences so they might be built up rather than run
over. When the going gets tough others
may be the only lifeline available to keep us going.
life to its fullest – focusing as much on the joy in the journey as you do the
gold at the end of the rainbow. More than anything, find peace and joy in all
that you say and do – seeking comfort from your discoveries rather than being
satisfied to discover comfort within the status quo. Seek moments of rest as you seek to fulfill
your dreams rather than sanctuaries and safe havens that might keep you from
reaching beyond the shelter of today to experience the potential of tomorrow.
find that motivating thoughts or inspirational phrases keep them moving forward
rather than looking back. In order to
experience gain within our lives, we must realize change – and must keep our
eyes on the prize as we move relentlessly towards it if we expect to grow. Thankfully, all thoughts ARE NOT sports
metaphors - some of the thoughts I find most helpful including:
Dreams take
time, patience, sustained effort, and a willingness to fail if they are ever to
become anything more than dreams – Brian Linkoski
The greater
danger for most is NOT that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too
low and we reach it - Michelangelo
We know what
we are, but know not what we may be - Shakespeare
When the winds
of change blow, some people build walls while others build windmills - Chinese
If all you
seek to become can be defined by what you have accomplished, accept comfort in
who you are but allow those who know you mourn the death of what you may have
become – Dave Smith

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