Management is the ability to transform one person’s talents
into performance. Good managers identify
each individual’s unique talents and abilities.
They treat people EQUITABLY rather than EQUALLY – determining what is
best for them based on their abilities and how they can contribute most rather
than assuming all should receive equal benefits even if they do not add similar
value. Good managers define and communicate
expectations, then assign tasks to persons having the greatest potential for
success – giving them the ability to act independently and the right to assume
responsibility for results.
Experienced managers leverage individual talent and
experience towards the successful accomplishment of organizational goals and
objectives – identifying existing abilities and maximizing contributions by
assigning duties and managing priorities RATHER THAN focusing on training individuals
to “fix” their shortcomings. While
training is critical and often necessary, it should not be seen as the “ends”
but rather as the “means.” Recognizing that all employees contribute
differently, and accepting that individual contributions are a necessary part
of success, helps to define a great manager.
A good manager might try to elevate all employees to their highest
potential. A great manager will utilize
an employee’s inherent ability to accomplish great things. Should employees need additional training, a
great manager will know how each employee learns best and set up programs that
cater to individual needs and differences.

Leaders motivate through actions rather than through words
and assignments as they join in to make sure the team accomplishes things as a
cohesive and collaborative body rather than as a group of talented individuals. Great leaders communicate clearly by defining
expectations and focusing on anticipated results as they motivate individuals
to work with others to maximize the impact of their group’s efforts. Leaders live their words through their
actions. Effective leaders are able to
identify individual potential that can be nurtured and melded into a great
functioning team. Should a team need
additional training, great leaders would develop programs to teach skills that
will benefit the organization rather than strengthening individual talents that
already exist within the team.
Are you a Manager or a Leader? Far too often we see problems caused by
well-intentioned supervisors managing when they should lead OR trying to lead
when times call for strong management. A
strong MANAGER tends to accomplish specific things more quickly. Tasks are clearly identified, people having
proven abilities are assigned to accomplish them, and results are expected
immediately. A strong LEADER will pull others
towards outcomes rather than pushing them towards pre-defined destinations. A leader will draw others forward using a carrot
while a manager may tend to carry (and liberally apply) a stick. Both styles are necessary (at times) in order
for organizations (OR relationships) to thrive BUT there is a time and a place
for each. Choose your “time and place”
wisely to help maximize the results your group can achieve!

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