you ever thought about how much is said AFTER you agree, compliment or
encourage a person when you clarify the comment by saying “but…,” “have you
considered…” or some other extension?
When an employee comes to you with a suggestion or solution to an issue,
do you stop yourself at, “Great work…let me know how it works!” or do you
clarify by saying, “Great idea…what about…?”
Far too often we assume an idea is implemented once it is stated and
gravitate to the “what’s next” phase rather than providing praise and
validation for the idea or concept that was developed. We move to the “next steps” without
considering that the person initiating the solution has not yet put it into
practice so our “it was stated so it must already be done” thinking may be a
discouragement to them. What we meant as
encouraging is often heard as being condescending – minimizing the value of
their solution by building a tower upon their foundation without acknowledging
the work and effort that went into the initial phases of construction. Recognizing the reality of this flaw does not
eliminate it from happening. I often
find myself acknowledging that what was suggested is a great start BUT that I
assume it is well on the way to implementation SO where can “we” go from there?
can also suffer unless we be careful about what is said after the “but.” “That dress looks great on you BUT you should
try something in blue.” What do you
think is focused upon – that the dress looks good or that the color is wrong? “The lawn looks nice BUT what can we do about
the weeds?” Was your work appreciated or
did you NOT do something that was more critical than what you DID? Other examples might include:
for helping out with the cleaning BUT you missed a spot.”
sorry BUT you started it.”
been a great vacation BUT I can’t wait to get back to work.”

many times have you complimented an employee, a friend or a family member only
to be disappointed they did not respond to your praise as validating or
uplifting? Might you have minimized your
compliment with an ill-placed “but?”
Have you been guilty of telling a child, “I’m happy you got an 89% on
that test BUT I know you could have done much better? You are smarter than that!” What do you think they heard – that you are
happy for what they did OR disappointed that they could not have done
better? Talking to an employee, if you
say “Great work today – tomorrow we will be able to do even more!” What do they REALLY hear – that you thought
they did well OR that they should have done better?

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