Every relationship has its
own unique and individual characteristics that makes it work well. When a person becomes involved within any
relationship – be it a working or a personal commitment – he or she begins to
look for the underlying culture of trust and respect that has been established
(or can be developed) as both a confirmation of their decision to participate or
an indicator of their choice to leave. The
actions and behaviors of those in leadership create a corporate culture (the efforts
and beliefs of employees working within the organization help it grow to
maturity) much like each participant within a relationship offers input when
choosing which road should be taken (the final selection being influenced by
the degree of trust that has been established within the relationship).
High Trust
organizations (and relationships) share characteristics that lend themselves to
a higher level of productivity, efficiency, personal investment and
effectiveness because they believe that trusting others to do the work with
little or no oversight does not “negatively impact” the achievement of
established goals.
High Trust Relationships
· More
productive and efficient because they need less layers of management or
redundancy. Projects, assignments or the resolution of situations can be given
freely to others because a high level of trust has been established that
provides confidence the work will be done (correctly).
· Cost
effective because fewer follow-up meetings and discussions are required so
individuals can “actively supervise” less while expecting (and receiving)
independently generated results.
· Dependent
upon open and honest communication allowing for two-way suggestions, clarifications,
input and advise. If one party within
the relationship begins to feel “left behind” by the conversation or ignored
when choosing the resolution of a problem, he or she will begin to “do what
they are told.” Rather than becoming a
vital part of the solution they begin to be an extension of the problem.
· Celebratory
to the work (and accomplishments) of others.
They look for and find the “positive” accomplishments of others and
build upon what is being done well rather than focusing on the “negative” of
what went wrong or was not done correctly.
· Accepting
of others. They let go of the need to control with the
understanding that mistakes happen and learning occurs. The DO NOT allow others to continue to make
the same error continuously without modifying the behavior that caused the
problem. Trust must not be confused with
poor judgement. High Trust Relationships
provide for “walking beside” others rather than always clearing the way of
obstacles so that detours or obstructions are never encountered.
· Always
seeking ways to improve outcomes by encouraging participation, engaging individual
passions, leveraging abilities and rewarding positive contributions. They solicit input from “the team” as a
critical part of any effective solution – knowing that a good solution the team
supports often produces better results than the best solution imposed by others.

Trust relationships clearly communicate that all individuals involved are responsible
for the work that needs to be done, expected to speak up if barriers to getting
results are encountered and accountable for the results achieved (accepting
both the rewards of success and the need to respond and react to failure). Trust cannot be established within any
relationship until we are able to demonstrate (not just say) that we let go of
the control most seek, give responsibility AND accountability to others (genuinely
seeking the thoughts, ideas and opinions of others before moving in a new
direction or changing a well-accepted process.
Unless (and until) we are able to trust others we cannot expect to be
fully and unconditionally trusted by others.

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