react to challenges differently. Some seek
comfort from every storm – preferring to remain within the safe harbors of
life, never venturing outside the protected coastal waters as they accept the
remnants and wreckage that wash up to shore.
They allow others to seek new adventures – to conquer unknown
territories and discover treasures far beyond their ability to imagine. They are gulls finding sustenance in things
discovered and discarded by others. To
them, a gentle breeze may become a raging storm – the tranquility of their calm
disrupted by even the smallest pebble tossed into the sea.
seek adventure – preferring to face the storms of life head on rather than
finding comfort within anyone’s harbor.
They hear the howling in the wind and seek to identify its source – wish
to find where it came from before watching it go away. They recognize that the wind cannot be
contained nor captured but often dream of riding upon it – of soaring above the
earth that holds them as they seek new horizons not yet discovered. They prefer to identify opportunities as they
move boldly forward in life rather than seeking comfort in what they have
accomplished. Where some could not
fathom being a hawk – hurtling down towards an unknowing prey – these
individualists could not tolerate being a scavenger – relying upon the efforts
of another for sustenance.

take time, patience, sustained effort, and a willingness to fail if they are
ever to become anything more than dreams – Brian Linkoski
It may be
that those who DO the most, DREAM the most – Stephen Leacock
greater danger for most is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that
it is too low and we reach it - Michelangelo
We know
what we are, but know not what we may be - William Shakespeare
When the
winds of change blow, some people build walls while others build windmills -
Chinese proverb

It takes commitment, determination and intentional action to move beyond the storms that often darken our lives to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. As we end one year and begin another, think about all you have accomplished BUT do not sell yourself short by resting upon past glories. Identify the reasons things may not have turned out as you wished, internalizing what you may have learned from those challenges, BUT do not allow yourself to dwell upon your failures or shortcomings. Think about what has yet to be realized and chase your dreams with unbridled enthusiasm. The winds of change can be felt but never captured – controlled but not contained – but will carry us through life as long as we keep our wings outstretched and our eyes upon our goals.
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