We must never
try to be someone we are not. Many
individuals start the New Year with fresh “resolutions” to do something (or be
something) different. Unless there is
more gain from the change, however, than pain from NOT changing, such
corrections rarely prove effective.
People change very little once they have established their basic values,
patterns and thought processes. It is
often easier (and more effective) to leverage an individual’s strengths than it
is to try to change their shortcomings.
As a “well known philosopher” (Dr. Suess) once so aptly proclaimed, "Be
who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those
who matter don't mind."
Holidays are a great time for people to sit back and dream – about what they
have (or do not have), who they are (or who they might wish to be), and what
they want to do differently so that they can achieve an altered result. One must first imagine something as being a
possibility before it can become a probability – yet "Dreams take time, patience,
sustained effort, and a willingness to fail if they are ever to be anything
more than dreams." (Bryan Linkoski). Unless (and until) we dream of something
different, nothing will change. If,
however, we wish to have change without recognizing where we are or what we are
currently doing and consciously initiating a course of action that will move us
from our present towards our “wished for” future, we will never feel the
“thrill of victory” as we will be helplessly mired within the “agony of
Life is a
series of starts and stops – of closed chapters and of new beginnings. Most have heard that insanity is doing things
the way they have always been done while expecting the results to change. If we are to realize change it is important
that we not only recognize the need for altered behavior as we plan for a
different outcome but that we also intentionally ACT to make it happen. Knowing the facts and understanding how to
make change happen does not ensure transformation. Even if we know what must be done AND
recognize our role – realizing the path that must be taken should we choose to
leave where we are in pursuit of what we wish to be – we will be run over and
left behind if we just sit and consider what the next steps might be.

Mark Twain
once said, "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world
owes you nothing. It was here first." We are not “owed” success –
we must identify what WE consider to be success before seeking ways that might
move us from possibility to probability then INTENTIONALLY ACT to make our
hopes and dreams become reality if we are to start fresh and experience change. What might be possible if everyone worked
towards an elevated goal rather than accepting their current reality as an
end? Imagine the heights we could
achieve if all attempted to reach the top of their mountain rather than being
content to rest in the shadows and valleys.
Think of the dreams that might be brought to fruition if all viewed
their present position in life a starting point rather than a destination – a
beginning rather than an end. Make 2016
a year of transformation by thinking big and acting audaciously – embracing (without
fearing) failure and accepting (without hesitation) each opportunity or
challenge that enters your life.
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