world is afloat with facts, data and information yet it seems that
problem-solving skills are slipping through our hands like water. We read
newspapers (sometimes), watch news (occasionally), page through magazines (when
available) and check out our electronic resources (constantly) – knowing what
is happening (almost before it happens) throughout the world – yet little time
is devoted to “why” the “what” happened. When we are provided with all we ever might
need to know about situations, however, without the need (or opportunity) to
form our own opinions, we have difficulty trying
to apply our knowledge to
unrelated circumstances. Our senses
seem overly stimulated by details, information and opportunities to the point
that we do not feel the need to fully identify issues before moving forward
with (in hindsight) untenable solutions. We run before we walk – seemingly
oblivious to the fact we might fall or cause great harm if we rush to a place where
others might know better than to wander – our impatience ruling the day. We choose
to ignore the fact others have come before us – relegating their experiences
(both wins and losses) to a silent history of the past rather than including
their insights into our ongoing thought processes as we look ahead to that
which has not yet come to fruition.
Many can memorize facts that might be applied to resolve recurring situations but
far too few can ask the “right questions” that would allow for the formation of
a “best” solution when presented with a new challenge. We often seek answers
before fully formulating a question – wanting a resolution NOW without a
moment’s hesitation. We want to be entertained (rather than informed), agreed
with (rather than challenged) and given what we feel is appropriate (rather
than identifying the needs of and providing for others). We pursue the impossible (or at least the
improbable) rather than finding comfort in the reality of “what is” and
extrapolating it into that which has not yet become – far too often leaping
ahead to what might seem to be the obvious conclusion without thought or
direction rather than moving intentionally (and thoughtfully) forward after
identifying the root cause of a problem considering all possible solutions.

It really does not matter which path you take when you are lost – if you know
not to where you are going nor from what you are moving, any progress is better
than no movement at all. In order to
transform knowledge into wisdom – to apply what we know towards the resolution
of our concerns, challenges and difficulties – we must take the time to analyze
the information around us prior to acting.
In order to make decisions count we must anticipate our potential destination(s)
before moving from one situation to another – we must plan where we want to be
before leaping from the frying pan into the fire. While it is true that one
rarely fails if they do not establish goals, success hinges upon the creation
and attainment of targets so we can recognize when we have accomplished our
individual dreams (or recognize when we have simply moved forward towards the fulfillment
of a goal without yet coming to a full resolution). It is nearly impossible to
make a poor choice or move in the “wrong direction” when one does not care
where they are going nor worry about how they will get there. Little credit, however, can be taken (or
praise given) for unanticipated results generated through unplanned actions,
unexpected resolutions or unrepeatable processes.
was once the rule – it is now an exception to the rule. Integrity was once an
integral part of an individual’s make-up – it is now but an insignificant
backdrop to life’s everyday drama. Relationships once rooted in honesty now
seem built upon circumstance and fed by individual desires. It seems that the
application of information to create a viable solution – taking the risk
required to make a difference by thinking and acting in a uniquely individual
manner – is no longer a socially acceptable approach. Impatience and intolerance have become the
driving factors in “effective” communication as we strive to achieve self-advancing
results – the analysis of data and deliberate actions once used to guide those decisions
but afterthoughts in the creation of everyday reality. In order to gain credibility (and respect) we
must recognize and understand the values, likes, dislikes, preferences,
abilities (and inabilities), strengths and weaknesses of others, encouraging
them (and incorporating their ideas) into our everyday activities.
In order to leverage
our knowledge into results – to transform our learning into wisdom – we must study,
learn and apply before charging headlong into an appointment with disaster.
When you analyze the information around you and apply it to your circumstances,
you will be able to leverage your knowledge to make wise decisions rather than
blindly following the thoughts, suggestions or considerations of others. Look ahead to avoid the obstacles in your path
rather than behind at what has already been accomplished – for studying what
has happened in the past might prevent history from repeating itself but that,
in and of itself, will not provide alternative courses of action that might
change the course of history. Seek not
what others can do for you but rather what you can do with the knowledge you have
attained. Choose to apply what you have
learned as you act intentionally to initiate change – to alter what will be by
leveraging your understanding of what has been – and you will experience transformational
change leading to success you never thought possible.
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