Some individuals act in accordance with established policy, practice or procedure whether or not that may be the best way to do something. A member recently mentioned that they wanted to “promote” an administrator into Human Resources because they were so “black and white” in their thinking that “compliance” would come easily to her. The problem with their initial thought was that this individual MAY have been detailed and unwavering BUT employees feared her, she NEVER smiled and ALWAYS did things the way they had always been done. We proposed offering the employee an opportunity to access tools that might help her succeed (TEA’s HR Certification Series) – an opportunity to safely learn about the responsibilities and “grey” world of Human Resources before embarking upon that road as a career choice (the Manager in this case was a Finance person doing HR work so compliance was the litmus upon which she based success). Others constantly question what they are asked to do as a means to test and temper the validity of an action prior to its being taken thinking “what good does it do to advance an idea unless it makes a difference?” but delay their “call to action” by focusing on whether or not their action might be accepted rather than on whether it might produce a superior result. One will never experience their full potential by seeking comfort within a world defined by other’s expectations, experiences or proven success. Life is not a spectator sport – it requires careful consideration, intelligent planning and intentional action. Most successful individuals establish basic tenants they use to hold themselves accountable for their decisions and actions. While everyone lives by some set of values and ethics, some of the rules that provide the “highest return on investment” would include the following:
- It is OK to make a mistake BUT we
must learn from our errors and move forward so that we do not repeat the
same mistake. It is OK to make a wrong
decision (unless we decide to act we will never move from where we are)
but we should utilize them as springboards propelling us forward rather
than anchors holding us in place.
- Focus on things you can
control. Identify obstacles that
are within your sphere of influence and actively seek to eliminate
whatever hurdles you can by giving them to someone who has the ability to
influence them.
- Lying, cheating, or stealing is
intolerable. If you are the best
performer or individual with the highest results - but those results came
through dishonesty or at someone else’s expense - you will not be respected,
considered credible NOR working or participating in an ongoing
relationship for very long.
- Results are recognized – effort
is merely a means to the end. Do not seek praise for
working hard or contributing greatly – let recognition come your way
through the results your effort achieved.
- All individuals may speak,
question, and have a voice in any decision but that does not mean all
votes are equal. Life is not a democracy.
Input is valued but an individual responsible for the ultimate
success of any endeavor must – and will - make the final decision. Do
not confuse “equal” with “equitable” as you seek to identify and
establish new resting points from which you can leap forward as you seek
change and success.
- There is nothing that “cannot
be done.” While some solutions may
not be cost-effective, or are simply impractical or beyond our ability to
implement, “I can’t,” “It’s not possible,” and other self-condemning
attitudes are not acceptable. Do not avoid discussing the reasons
behind “I won’t…” by defaulting to “I can’t…”
thought-out solutions to issues you may encounter while doing your job (or
during life in general) are not reasons for celebration, they are simply
expectations of the way you should continually exhibit and utilize your
abilities. Much can be accomplished when
we leverage and build upon our experiences rather
than accepting that something “COULD have been accomplished IF ONLY we had not
run out of time.” Seeking “what has yet to happen” provides a firmer foundation
upon which to build than does “Why try?" When we quit caring who
receives the credit and begin to focus on how we can ALL gain from the results,
much can be accomplished.
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