Have you ever met someone who sets a course in life based
on how many others are doing the same thing?
Rather than identifying problems, investigating root causes and intentionally
setting into motion the actions that would resolve issues in an individual
and/or unique way, the path of least resistance is chosen as these individuals travel
upon roads that others take and make “safe” (commonly acceptable) rather than “right”
(based on fact rather than the opinion of others) decisions. Perhaps it might be better (though possibly
more difficult) to seek individuals who seems to consistently and continuously “take
the high road” in the way things are done and choose the path less traveled
(rather than the path of least resistance) when making decisions – for knowing
(and associating with) such a person will invariably lead to success.
Far too many people diminish their potential by following
the crowd (doing what is “right and prudent”) rather than following their own
beliefs. They seek popularity (or at
least acceptance) rather than standing strong on their own values, judgments
and decisions. They choose to blend into
the majority rather than the criticism that standing alone often brings. They accept that things are as they should be
rather than seeking what could be possible if established systems and familiar
processes were to be challenged. The “throng”
tends to validate itself by thinking, “We are no different than anyone else –
the same as all others with whom we associate” rather than believing, “We are
all unique individuals whose potential is limited only by our individual actions
and behaviors.” The attacks our society
mounts against individuals seeking to make a difference through non-conventional
methods or untested thoughts and processes are often enough to discourage all
but the brave to forge their own path. By
homogenizing our unique characteristics into a single melting pot that can be
universally accepted by all, “the many” seek to stifle the ability of all but a
rare and outspoken few to make a difference in the world. Allowing this to happen – either explicitly
through participation or implicitly through acceptance – diminishes one’s ability
to think, act and contribute in a meaningful way.
the crowd is easy. Anyone can do what
others accept, go where others are going, act as others act and find a sense of
community by blending in. Travelling familiar roads and doing things the way
they have always been done can take the bumps and turns out of our journey BUT
when we do things as they have always been done we can expect nothing more than
has already been accomplished. When we
move forward by focusing upon where we have been and what we have done we
cannot truly see where we are going or what might be accomplished. While teaching our granddaughter to ride a
bicycle I found myself telling her to “look where she is going rather than
watching where she has been” if she seeks to achieve success without falling – an
axiom that should apply to all we say and do in life but is often abandoned as
we seek acceptance and validation by others.
Only when we accept that much can
come from seeking a different reality than that chosen by the crowd will we realize
that loss can become gain, failure can breed success, and the decision to stop can
be either a conclusion (accepting that what is will always be) OR a new beginning
(failure is a detour rather than a dead end on the road to success). Followers of a crowd tend to accept the
group’s destination as a place to land while those seeking to make an
individual difference often build their future from the stopping point accepted
by others as being “good enough.”

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