Leadership and management are not synonymous. Though some feel they must be “fully in control” if they are to be “in charge” of a situation – that to acknowledge challenge or criticism weakens their position of authority – they lose the power of leadership when they force others into being managed. Many feel that leading and managing are synonymous – that to lead they must actively and overtly establish themselves as being in charge – of managing and controlling the actions of another. What they do not easily realize that leaders are often rugged individualists able to assume power and authority by the sheer presence of their strength while managers are instruments necessary for the accomplishment of assigned tasks but often fail to rise above their surroundings. Managers need to plan, measure, monitor, coordinate, solve, hire, fire, and so many other things. Typically, managers manage things. Leaders lead people. The definition of a leader is someone who has followers – people who believe in the leader’s values, abilities, and judgments enough that they are willing to support him or her as they are led towards a shared destination. This is far different from managing someone’s actions or directing them to accomplish an assigned activity as no loyalty or belief is required when direction comes from a position of assumed power rather than one of sincere trust. At the risk of over-simplifying a complicated issue,
and directing activities in order to accomplish defined goals or objectives
others what to do (and, often, when/how to do it)
and overseeing specific activities that must be performed by others to complete
work or projects in a predictable
and proven way
measuring, and correcting work activities intended to accomplish assigned tasks
personal or corporate objectives through the efforts of others
down directives with little room for self-expression
autocratic than democratic – often accepting responsibility for success
chaos (maximizing order and control) to produce structured results
through others to accomplish objectives
others to do as they are told so things are done correctly
sure people are doing things right
objectives then facilitating discussion on how best to accomplish them
for input from others before telling others what should be done
responsibility for and providing accountability to others for the work they do
practices and welcoming input that will improve results
shared objectives through the efforts of the team
(and holding) the team up so it can accomplish great things
democratic than autocratic – but responsible for both successes and failures
controlled chaos to create effective solutions
with others to accomplish great things
asking others to do what they would not do themselves
sure objectives are being accomplished and credit is being given appropriately

To bring
others along with us as we accomplish great things we must lead rather than manage
– pull others with us rather than pushing them from behind. We must establish and demonstrate confidence
in our own abilities before we can expect anyone else to have confidence in
us. Anyone can manage by imposing their
will upon those around them – by forcing compliance through a position of
power. Only those willing to learn, to
apply their knowledge and exercise their authority (by sharing successes and
assuming blame) will become leaders – finding the most effective passage through whatever obstacle presents itself - at work, at home or in their personal
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