We are told from an early age that knowledge is the key to
success. If we learn we will achieve. If we set our sights high when establishing
our goals and objectives – and work hard to equip ourselves with the knowledge
to accomplish our goals – great things will happen. For most, the sky has been painted as “the
limit” to success. In front of each of
us lies an endless continuum of possibilities – as long as we pay attention in school, learn what is
presented and “never stop learning” throughout life. I would disagree with this simplistic approach
as knowledge alone seems NOT to be the key to anything.
Wisdom is the application of knowledge. Just because someone knows facts, details or
information does not make them a leader, a teacher or a success. Individuals chosen to participate on the TV
game show Jeopardy demonstrate a vast base of knowledge – an unending
ability to recall what many would consider arcane facts and an astounding grasp
of history, trivia and culture – BUT do nothing to demonstrate any more success
outside of this knowledge-based niche than anyone else. I have met many intelligent individuals who
possess all the “book knowledge” available to them yet lack the common sense
and practical experience to make a good decision or know which way to turn
given the unguided choice. The application
of knowledge through wise choices, decisions and actions that anticipate
consequences (both planned and unintended) is what truly defines success –
particularly if we do not care who gets the credit for the results that are achieved. Knowledge allows us to think about issues,
topics and challenges from many different perspectives. Wisdom (the application of knowledge), allows
us to succeed by putting knowledge into action.

Many have been told that “knowing is believing” when it
comes to understanding something or accepting the resolution that has been
enacted. Knowing is actually nothing
unless it is associated with action, responsibility, accountability and focused
follow-through. We can know much without
making a difference unless (and until) we put our knowledge into action. We can know much without making a difference
unless we take responsibility for our actions – learn from our mistakes – then move
on to accomplish our next objective. We
can know much without making a difference until we act on our beliefs,
assumptions and thoughts so that something can be moved forward rather than
being allowed to stagnate.

Nothing changes unless and until something changes. When we seek knowledge it should be
purposeful – with all learning directed towards the accomplishment of an
objective or the realization of a dream.
Knowing for the sake of knowing may allow us to win the game of Jeopardy
but applying what we know to the accomplishment of everyday problems, issues
and situation will allow us to win the game of life.
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