Great leaders tend to display a fierce resolve to do
whatever is needed in order to accomplish their stated objectives without
really caring who gets the credit for the work as long as the results are
achieved. If we accept this as an
indicator of success, it conflicts with what we see as great
qualities in the people we hold up in our traditional definition of leaders - those who "make a name for themselves" as they accomplish much (personally) while making significant changes in industry, education or society. While one person may be able to catalyze change, no one person can cause change to happen unless others are motivated to engage in and implement a change in behavior that will lead to a new result.
Most people identify great leaders as being
people like Steven Jobs, Jack Welch, perhaps a President or two of the United
States – identifying “leadership” with an outspoken champion of change whom has
accomplished visible things through his or her actions. While these individuals may be change agents,
they often use their position of power to “dictate” change rather than being an
effective and humble leader able to facilitate change. Individuals able to encourage “buy in” to from
others to implement change – leveraging the momentum of the whole to accomplish
more than any one person could have cone – leave a truly inspirational
legacy. Max DePree, a great West
Michigan leader, wrote that “Leaders don’t inflict pain; they bear pain.” In order to lead effectively, one must
consistently demonstrate humility, honesty and integrity so that people want to
follow (noting that “following” should never be done blindly – it MUST include
independent thought, analysis and consciously directed efforts).

Honesty is living, speaking and acting with a truthful
sincerity free from deceit or fraud. Communicating
honestly means to speak plainly and pointedly – stating all facts and assumptions
considered before making a decision – so that people know what you are saying AND
(perhaps more importantly) why you are saying it. Respect is not purchased by cashing in an
astounding vocabulary – it is earned by simply stating one’s position so that
it can be clearly understood and acted upon.
While we have the right to freely and openly express our beliefs (short
of harming another), we ARE NOT given the right to be taken seriously in all
that we say – unless we have earned it by consistently demonstrating a high
level of integrity through our actions.
Unless (and until) we are seen as being dependable, credible and honest
by others, we might be able to impose our will upon individuals but we will not
be able to motivate, inspire or lead them towards greatness.
Integrity is the value one establishes when he or she
adheres to moral and ethical principles as guiding
factors in the decisions they make – when moral character and honesty is
expressed within all their personal and business interactions. People respect individuals perceived
as “having integrity,” trusting what they say and willingly following where
they lead because they know “where they are coming from” in everything that is
said or done. Saying what you mean –
then doing what you say – are two of the greatest attributes a leader can

Nobody is perfect – we are all human, and humans make
mistakes. The way we deal with those
mistakes, however, will either insure our ascension within an organization or
guarantee our fall. While leaders must provide a clear sense of direction, they
must be humble in accepting credit and honest in accepting blame when efforts
fail. An individual able to do so will
have gained immense credibility through his or her integrity – credibility that
will translate exponentially into positive results.
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