Finding purpose – without actively seeking it – is like finding a perfection beyond all expectations. Our abilities flow freely, far too powerfully to be contained. Life becomes abundant and free – our results far exceeding the effort producing them. While we do what we like, our labor becomes a path to be enjoyed – the destination but the logical conclusion of the choices we gladly make. When we do what we want, the rewards far exceed what we invest, and all seems good in the world. Living becomes but a chapter within a never-ending story – having no clear-cut beginning nor a definitive end, only the continuous expectation of good things to come. Finding joy in what we do and with whom we choose to live – and happiness in what we have rather than what misery because of what we are lacking – allows us to live life as it is rather than wishing for what could have been – or for what has yet to be.
“Being” far outweighs “doing,” and the
contributions we make towards the growth of others provides us more satisfaction
than does advancing ourselves
We truly care more about the good that can be
done than about who receives credit for doing it
We love what we do and are allowed to do what we
love in a way that lifts others while fulfilling ourselves.
It is then that we know we should stay – for who could
replace us should we go?
The promise of tomorrow become lost within the
realities of today – realities rooted in (rather
than built upon) our memories
of the past
Our efforts become pain rather than pleasure –
our destination becoming the driver making us lose site of the joy in our
All that we love in what we do become but things
we do to accomplish what must be done
Our dreams become a flame that has lost its
brilliance as it slowly dies to but a flicker or the path from which the fog
was cleared be returned to its murky darkness
The hope that seemed so real for a season fade
to but a wish for what might have been as our contributions become shadows passing
quietly through the night
The certainty relied upon for strength and
comfort become but an abandoned dwelling within the sheltered corners of a
shattered mind
We seek more from life than we are willing to
invest – wanting more from others than we are willing to give of ourselves.
You no longer find strength in your Dreams (for
you have grown far too conscious of the limitations of your reality)
You no longer bask in the warmth of simply being
(the need for external praise exceeding your own internal confidence)
What you know and are able to accomplish creates
a barrier restricting the ability of others to exhibit their knowledge or
minimizes their accomplishment
All that keeps you going is the fear of your
alternatives rather than your ability to make a difference.
Perhaps then comes the time that we should go – time to
move on – letting go of what has not yet become. It is then that we know we should go – for
what might we inhibit or who might we impair should we stay?
May we have the health and ability to stay as long as we
are able to contribute – and the graciousness to go without dragging others
down as we leave (or disrupt them should we stay). In staying or in going…
It is the lucky ones who staked a claim to life
that were able to embrace the world as their own reality
It is the fortunate ones who defined their
dreams clearly, allowing nothing to interfere with their sense of purpose
It is the meaningful ones who have realized
their hopes, accomplished their goals and given more to those around them than
they could ever give themselves
It is the insightful ones who act intentionally
in all they do rather than allowing destiny to choose their mate, guide their
career or determine the way in which they will contribute to those around them or
control their real.

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