Because we are people (and tend to rush to judgment), our “first impressions” often label those we encounter as being either “good” or “bad” (before we take the time to validate our assumptions). While we often must act quickly, if we want to develop long-lasting or meaningful relationships we must take time to learn about others – about why they think, act and respond as they do rather than basing our opinions ONLY on what we see being accomplished – if we are to accept (or at least understand) people “as they are” rather than force them to become “what we would wish them to be.” Four things we should consciously (and intentionally) avoid when meeting people for the first time (as our initial impressions and perceptions are established) would include:
Investigate fully before making a judgement rather
than allowing unfounded perceptions or “surface-driven” first thoughts to form
your baseline from which all other actions, thoughts or decisions are
built. Working with a small machine shop that was struggling
financially, a business owner reported that he would like all his employees to
be like the 76-year old machinist that came back to work after retiring for a
couple of years. He cited the man’s
loyalty and experience-based leadership – his ability to set an example for
those working with him. When asked, employees
said that working with this “poor man” reinforced that they should jump at the
first job opportunity that came along because they did not want to end up
working until they were 76 because retirement was no more than a dream. A “first impression” could have been
established by listening to either the owner or the employees but looking into
the “rest of the story” revealed an unconsidered truth. The 76-year old knew what the owner thought
and was pretty sure what his peers thought about his working but that both were
wrong. He stated (because someone had
asked) that “if they knew my wife they would know why I like coming to work!” Often our perceptions taint our thinking and
we make decisions based on inaccurate (or untrue) information. Always learn all the facts before making a

Do not assume to know what others are thinking or limit what they could contribute by inserting personal biases into their lives or extending your own limitations into their potential. One of the most critical
components within any relationship is to identify both strengths and weaknesses
– maximizing the positive contributions while limiting those that might be more
detrimental. When asked, “What is the
purpose of your job, an employee told me it was “…to bring to fruition the
dreams of the owner.” While this answer
did nothing to define job responsibilities, it DID speak volumes to the owner
about the employee’s understanding of his role in the company. After reading that one response the employer
started to think differently about his workforce, including them in decisions
because they were much more invested in their future than he had previously
thought. In thinking that his employees
“did only what they were told” rather than believing they could “contribute
positively to his dream,” the owner had stifled the expression of improvements
his staff could have made. By listening
to their suggestions – regardless of what he thought they might be able to
contribute – his company began to grow and prosper exponentially. Though
many of us fight hard to “do things our way” and overlay that “way” upon those
we work with, whenever we listen to others we find their contributions can be
meaningful IF ONLY we allow them to express their thoughts, learn through
failure and feel safe to grow.
Think before acting –
then act before your thinking paralyzes you. Many individuals tend to shoot before aiming
– often prior to even establishing a target – then spend countless hours
repairing the damage they may have done through their rash actions. While “things” can often be repaired or
replaced when damaged by actions that disregard potential consequences initiates
failure, PEOPLE tend to “scar” more easily and “fail to forget” more than they
could ever learn from criticism (be it gentle OR relentless). Forming
a “first impression” is normal and natural BUT refusing to move beyond that
baseline after learning more about a person, place or situation creates the
basis for ongoing disappointment, frustration and failure.

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