An axiom is a self-evident
or universally recognized truth – a principle that is accepted as true without
proof as the basis for argument. As we
go through our lives we constantly seek guideposts to “show us the way” so that
we do not become lost within a detour while the rest of the world passes us
by. We seek to grasp onto the tail of a
rising star in the hope that we, too, might be carried towards success. We search for answers (often more than we
seek to formulate questions) to explain away the “bumps” we experience while
trying to find the smoothest path available as we move towards our
destination(s). Perhaps if we were to
focus more upon the path we take – enjoy the journey as we move toward our
ultimate goals – we would feel more peace and joy (rather than hectic tension)
when we arrive. Thinking about some of
life’s “universally recognized truths” as we find our way through this world
might help to focus our efforts on those things that are important – things or
situations that can be controlled or influenced through our own devices and that
truly have or result in significance.
Axioms often help us to understand what is important and critical to
life (rather than what is wanted or desired) so that we can shrug off those
things that do not matter while holding tightly to those that do. Some of the axioms that have helped me
navigate my journey (so far) would include:
individuals find it easier to bring someone down to their level than to bring
themselves to a higher plain. We cast stones without thinking that our own
glass house could be easily shattered. We
console ourselves by justifying that “everyone else does it” so it should be OK
(even when we know what we are considering is wrong). Though elevating yourself
is often far more difficult than pulling others down, we gain far more by
lifting ourselves up – bringing others with us – than we could ever achieve by
immersing ourselves within a pool of mediocrity. Recognizing and understanding that “complainers”
often have very little confidence in their own abilities or pride in their own
accomplishments may not quiet their noise but it should help to minimize the
impact it has on your life.

one is tongue in cheek – but so appropriate! How often has someone interrupted you during
the middle of a thought – as you were just about to solidify an epiphany that
would surely change the world forever? Sure,
we need others to live life to its fullest, but we all have times when it seems
that others might “do more good” talking to someone else than they do
disrupting our thoughts! Enjoy the
variety that people give the world around you – if everyone thought and acted
as you do it would be a terribly boring (or an extremely predictable) world! Do not isolate yourself from those around you
as their perspective (no matter how disruptive it might be) just might be the
key that unlocks the door to our understanding.
Several within the novel
“Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand’s epic tale about how the “engine of the world” was
silenced (whose fiction is hauntingly similar to the reality we see within
today’s headlines) would include:
A creative
man is motivated by the desire to achieve – not by the desire to beat others.
The hardest
thing to explain is the glaringly evident fact that everybody has decided not
to see.
life is not the equivalent of avoiding death.
Do you have any baseline
“truths” upon which your lift has been built?
Perhaps you could find hope by not asking (or seeking) “who
is going to let me” but rather living (and believing) “who
is going to stop me?” Do not
become your own worst enemy by believing a dream to be impossible – abandoning it
before the journey towards its realization can even begin. Do not apply “blame” without accepting
responsibility. Do not look for reasons
that would keep you from accomplishing something, rather seek ways that would
allow it. Do not refuse to establish
goals for fear of failing – rather establish lofty expectations that require
hard work and effort to accomplish so that you might be proud of your efforts
when (not if) you do succeed. Remember
that all things are possible, some just take a little longer to accomplish as
they require a bit more creativity, thought or planning.
In the big picture, improbable
does not mean impossible. Equality
is not the same as equitability.
Holding back does not mean giving up UNLESS you fail to
begin. Life has many beginnings but only
one end. Make the most of your
opportunities as you seek new and different ways to make life truly matter –
taking the time to develop and hone the talent needed to equip yourself with
the tools needed to transform who you are to the successful individual you wish
to be (and know you can become)!
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