Why is it
that people tend to rush to judgment, hurry up only to wait, and do ANYTHING just
to keep moving rather than “stopping to smell the roses?” Though time is
seemingly in abundance when we have nothing to do, it passes far too quickly when
we would prefer it to stand still. We always
have time to do something over when we could have simply done it right the first
time. We seem to worry more about how quickly we can finish the race than we do
about the results that our practice produce or the joy found along the way. People
far too often worry needlessly about things outside of their control rather
than identifying the things over which they have (and are able to exhibit) influence
THEN intentionally acting upon them.
Individuals too often fear they do not have the time to slow down so
they can appreciate the things around them because of the expectations they
have placed upon themselves for unrealistic or unreasonable results. We often
find ourselves slaves to the very clock we so desperately seek to master as we
keep ourselves busy to the point of exhaustion so that we can complete a
journey in as little time as possible only to find we are too tired to enjoy
the destination once we arrive. We live
our lives thinking that once we have achieved something we can move on rather
than realizing that life is a series of “beginnings and endings” which overlap,
run concurrently and exist in perpetuity as we move from one event to the
next. We must learn to value our time as
we seek results or we will find that our time slips from us without our consent
as we chase concepts rather than realizing dreams.
people complain about their lemons rather than celebrating the opportunity to
make lemonade. The weather is too hot – or too cold – but rarely do we find it
ideal. We are too busy to exercise but complain that we do not like what we
have become. We do not find satisfaction in what we have accomplished as we
tend to dwell upon only what has not been finished – refusing to acknowledge the
progress we have made while moving towards an end goal until it has been
reached. We spend more time wishing we had
something rather than being grateful for what we actually possess. We have become
a nation of complainers and criticizers as we seem to derive more satisfaction from
bringing others down in order to make ourselves look better RATHER THAN elevating
ourselves in order to pull others up with us.
We must learn to accept that we ARE NOT equal in our gifts, talents or
abilities so we should not expect equality in our results. We must recognize that time spent wisely will
lead to the accomplishment of great things while time wasted will result in
doing what has always been done and achieving what has already been mastered.
Perhaps we
should take the time to ask WHY someone acted in a way we might feel foolish or
ill-advised. Rather than expediting our condemnation
while attempting to elevate ourselves in the eyes and ears of those beholding
our ranting we should take time to see if OUR perspective might be the cause of
exasperation rather than another’s actions – to look towards ourselves first to
identify what we may have done to contribute to the problem rather than blaming
others to cover up any role we may have played. Think of how much our words might matter if we
offered advice and counsel rather than critically dismissing another’s action
as being worthless, wrong or misguided. Doing something for another or telling
them how badly they performed because they may have done something wrong (or
differently than you might have) provides a short term “fix” as it changes the
immediate results BUT it does not alter individual thought processes or behaviors.
Rather, telling someone what to do, how to do it and when to act creates
dependency (rather than innovation) and compliance (rather than creativity)
while creating an environment that caters to the cautious – to those willing to
do what they are told – rather than rewarding those applying their experience
to accomplish things not yet considered possible. Removing the time that others might use to
learn can resolve a problem quickly but does nothing to foster problem-solving by
those directly involved. Correcting a
“wrong” by stepping in and taking over may expedite a solution but will not
prevent the problem from recurring in the future.

Though we cannot alter the seasons or slow life’s progress, we can stop chasing blindly the hands of time as they race relentlessly around the clock. The sands of time will not bury us if we become the master of our own universe by taking the time to appreciate not only where we are going but also how, when and IF we chose to arrive. To accomplish great things we must recognize and reward progress – both our own and that of those around us – rather than simply focusing upon what did (or did not) happen. When we value our time – and consider the time spent by others to be just as valuable – we are able to focus our efforts on not only the “ends” but also the “means” as we realize our dreams and make them our realities.
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