The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Thursday, December 3, 2020


Times are changing (THANKFULLY) as 2020 has been a year that many would prefer to put behind them.  A global pandemic brought many to their knees early in the year.  Ongoing social unrest and perceptions of unfair treatment of people (real or not...perception becomes reality) boiled over to the point of extreme tension and violence.  The political climate became more clouded than ever with partisan ideals seemingly more important than doing something that might help those in need through specific and fundable actions.  When the reality of an election that was conducted but has not yet been fully concluded more than a month after the votes were collected was added in November, the year has been something that might be good to put behind us but we should not “forget” as much can be learned from history – particularly when we wish to avoid repeating the same mistakes and receiving the same outcomes.  Lost in the call for change (be it vaccines, political leadership, equity or a plethora of other issues or concerns that arose this past year) is the definition of reality.  We should perhaps spend our energy on trying to predict what is ahead for people this coming year RATHER THAN lamenting and carrying on about what has been left behind us.  We cannot change the past but we can anticipate and take intentional action to prepare for a potentially unpredictable future (as long as we remain flexible and keep our sights set on a realistic horizon rather than the “normal” long range plan).  Unless we intentionally move forward towards new opportunities we will be relegated to picking up the pieces of "life as we knew it" which, in this particular case, might not be life as we would prefer it to be.

A question that could be asked whenever there is uncertainty that requires intentional action to create change is whether the light at the end of the tunnel is one of Hope or one of impending Disaster.  Far too many people look into the tunnel and run from the light that is presumed to be a train coming headlong towards them rather than beyond the immediate to see that the light is actually an undiscovered reality just beyond the far entrance to the tunnel.  One can look at a tunnel as a portal that may be entered, not knowing where it may lead or one may look to the new horizons that are revealed when we look through the tunnel towards the horizon on the other side but it is difficult to see what might be ahead when we focus upon what else could be hiding in the darkness.  Personally, I prefer to look back just long enough to acknowledge shortcomings, analyze why an action may not have produced desirable results then move forward towards a brighter tomorrow.  Understanding yesterday’s mistakes – getting up and moving on from them rather than staying down to seek the sympathy or support of others – helps them become tomorrow’s distant memories rather than a harbinger of things that will necessarily come.

The only way we can thrive during unpredictable and unprecedented times is by learning to accept the previously innovate rather than dwelling in the comfort of what always was (because it may never again be)... to seek alternatives to the “tried and true”...because life as we knew it may not be a part of our daily routine for years to come.  We once sought knowledge from schools, experience, learned professionals and mentors so we could apply our "learning" to situations that could usually be resolved by proven methodology and established courses of actions.  In today’s world we must learn to think (rather than simply thinking that we can "do as expected") and apply untested procedures and processes as we resolve situations that might be similar to things we have seen in the past but not issues that can be “fixed” with a “one size fits all” course of action. 


In order to thrive during times of crisis and uncertainty, we must transform ourselves from being “takers” to being “givers.”  Our educational institutions must reinvent themselves to make sure students grasp core concepts and how they are applied rather than memorizing answers to questions that may never be asked.  We must move away from rewarding effort towards recognizing accomplishment.  We must strengthen teams BUT ensure there is competent leadership within each group.  We must look at relationships differently – seeking ways to make a difference in the lives of those around us by sharing our gifts and talents rather than looking for how others might be able to add to our bounty by putting in us what might want (or perceive to need).  Everyone is not equal as we all have different gifts.  We should intentionally provide opportunities for all to embrace how our diverse individual perspectives can contribute to the accomplishments of the whole – how we can make a difference in the world around us rather than waiting for the world to make a difference in us.


Embracing the opportunities that an uncertain future offers is much more productive than worrying about things we cannot control or obsessing over change that will happen with or without us.  Knowledge is power and the application of that power translates into wisdom – but are knowledge and wisdom sufficient if viewed as lurking within the tunnel rather than seen as the horizon outside?  While knowing facts is important – and applying the information that we know towards the resolution of an issue is critical – what about our responsibility to share ideas, experiences, strengths and weaknesses with those around us to make everyone we associate with stronger?  Without wisdom, we will fall by the wayside, finding ourselves trapped hopelessly within a tunnel having no exit rather than seeing the vast potential that could become reality if only we look outside of ourselves – outside of our tunnel – as we share what we see with those around us.  We need not share personal secrets to the world (but it does not hurt to have someone close enough with whom you are comfortable doing that) nor redistribute personal gain (to all according to their ability rather than according to their need – but that would be another topic altogether), but until we shine our light as a beacon to those around us, preventing their crashing upon a rocky and treacherous shore, we cannot thrive within a world that truly needs the contribution from all to resolve issues that plague everyone. 

Comfort, wealth, happiness and prosperity are recognized by many as being destinations to which life should lead – measures of success that all should achieve – but the quantitative value of those terms is different based on an individual’s gifts, talents, experience and upbringing.  During times of drastic change it would be good to remember that what we see as opportunity outside of the tunnel might be seen as current reality to others depending upon perspective – on whether we are “looking in” to see a light rapidly approaching us or whether we are “looking out” to see what could be possible if only we could shed the darkness of “where we are” and exchange it for the light of “who we could be.”  Success is not a product that is created nor is it the same for everyone – it is the byproduct of innovation that has been leveraged into action by those who see the potential outside of the tunnel rather than the darkness within.  Remember the past but look to the future – for the future is where we all must live.  With each passing moment the past falls farther behind us so what is ahead must become our horizon as what is behind becomes but the foundation for our growth.

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