too often people focus on how their day starts, how their task is being
accomplished or what must be done first RATHER THAN thinking about how their
day could/should end, what progress might be made towards the resolution of an
issue or a situation or what must be finished in order to consider an
assignment complete.
We focus on the
path that must be taken rather than upon the end that must be reached – on how
quickly we can start and what kind of “pace” we should maintain to complete
each “race” we run within a defined and acceptable time period rather than
focusing all of our efforts and energies so that we might be able to run a
strong race and have energy as we near the finish to seek other
opportunities. Regardless of how well
each individual assignment is performed, one cannot do only what has been
assigned and expect to receive more than minimal reward, growth or
success. Looking back (instead of
ahead), remaining content with the present (rather than building upon the
present as a springboard to the future), and doing what we know works (as
opposed to seeking what might work better) are all signs of stagnation – at
work, in our relationships OR in life. An
acorn cannot become an oak tree without the proper environment and adequate nourishment
present to feed its future growth. What
kind of a butterfly would a caterpillar become if it were content to crawl
rather than seeking to fly? An
individual cannot become “one” with another without caring more for the other
than for him or her self. If one wishes
to achieve “the possible” rather than being content to accomplish those things
that are “probable,” the race that is run must be built upon a path that
transforms “what is” into “what could be.”
In order to achieve great things (rather than to accomplish what is
expected) our sights must be firmly focused upon that which has yet to be
considered possible – running each race as if it has never before been run and climbing
mountains not yet conquered – rather than being content to perform those things
that have been tried, tested and found to be safe while seeking to avoid
(rather than learn from) failure. In
order to focus on the ends (rather than being trapped in the means) – to
accomplish and achieve (rather than simply to perform and comply) – one must continually
and intentionally strive to:
Clarify the difference between efficiency with effectiveness. Efficient individuals make sure that every
investment of time and/or energy has a direct and measurable impact – either in
their own life or in the life of another.
They rarely waste time or energy doing unnecessary things that “could be
done or might be nice” but are not needed in order to accomplish their objectives. Effective individuals are focused – accomplishing
things that need doing in order to move forward – in the most efficient and
impactful way imaginable. Effective
individuals accomplish all things well as they advance their cause or move them
towards the accomplishment of defined objectives – often accomplishing ONLY
their objective – often quickly but not always in the most streamlined or
efficient way possible. An efficient
individual may tell others what to do then get out of the way – coordinating
actions and monitoring ideas so that all involved can work in a complimentary
fashion towards the accomplishment of goals and objectives with very little
wasted effort or activity. Effective
individuals get things done. Efficient
individuals accomplish things with a minimum of wasted effort that results in
maximum rewards.
Stop believing that they are irreplaceable. If an individual
feels that nobody could EVER do what he or she does, that person has probably
limited what he or she can accomplish. When
we feel nobody could ever do the things we do as well as we do them ourselves –
and accept that as an unwavering paradigm – we become so enamored with our
ability to accomplish defined objectives that we fail to identify possible
alternative outcomes...we believe that since nobody can do something as well as
we do that we cannot abandon the path we are on to pursue other possibilities
for fear that the “routine” will not be accomplished (which keeps us from
achieving what has not yet been considered).
If nobody else can do (or even wishes to try) your job, then you will
never advance beyond the rung of the ladder upon which you have firmly
positioned yourself. If you feel so
important in the life of another that you quit trying to discover new
adventures, activities or uncharted territory within your relationship you may
find comfort and security but fall far short of your potential.

Quit believing we know all the answers.
who know the right answers in life often find themselves thrust into management
roles – positions that require quick responses and specific directions to
individuals charged with accomplishing defined tasks using proven
processes. They often take charge within
their relationships by providing others exactly what he or she feels is needed,
wanted or desired to create happiness.
MANAGERS can assign tasks, oversee activities and provide security by
defining what must be done and how it must be accomplished. Those that ask the right questions, however,
are much more valuable than those who can give all the right answers – often
becoming well respected leaders rather than successful managers. They develop strong relationships because
they support others and help them to grow (as individuals) rather than
expecting them to accept what they are told, given or provided as being
sufficient. In order to finish each race
strongly we must ALWAYS be open to new ideas, techniques, and ways of doing
things. We can truly contribute to
success and profitability – or experience all that life could offer – ONLY after
identifying the limitations of current systems, policies, practices and procedures
(or the weaknesses and “fatal flaws” within relationships) by asking questions
as to how they might be improved then intentionally acting to implement acceptable
change. Nothing will change, however,
until we decide to act – to move forward by implementing the answers received
of the questions we asked (rather than doing things as we have always done them
because we think we know all the answers ourselves).
ALWAYS give credit to others (when deserved) and accept responsibility
for “learning experiences” (even when blame could be shared). People recognizing and acknowledging the ideas and
actions of others tend to share a never-ending ride to the top – enjoying a
seemingly unlimited potential “upside” while minimizing (but not eliminating) their individual risk. When failure is truly viewed as a learning
opportunity, those that achieve great things will never quit learning because
unless we experience shortcomings, disappointment and “dead ends” in life we
will probably never achieve much beyond what others have accomplished. Unless we care more for others than we do
ourselves we will never taste the fullness that a life-changing relationship
can provide. Those that take credit for the
ideas of others (and assign blame for failure or shift focus to deflect
accountability) may manage the accomplishment of defined objectives or live
within the “comfort” of a relationship but may never experience the camaraderie
found through supportive friends, strong relationships or peers that might prop
them up in the future.
Add to our existing abilities and upgrade outdated skills, refusing to
accept “what is” as a destination and “what has always been” as an infallible
truth. What was once necessary to maintain a
life-long job or to enjoy a long-lasting relationship is no longer sufficient
in today’s ever-changing world. Individuals
who “fail to know” that a self-serving attitude or “do as I am told”
perspective are not the standards of achievement (but could be standards of
accomplishment) will also typically fail to grow...those who refuse to retrain
(enhancing their skills, abilities and perspectives) typically will not remain
(successful, accomplished or respected).
Unless an individual brings more into a relationship than he or she could
ever expect it to return – is willing to give to another more than is taken (unconditionally
and without expectations) and seeks to gain more by sharing than by receiving,
he or she will never realize the treasures awaiting them just beyond their
current reality.

is not a sprint run within a vacuum – it is a marathon that requires a team of
runners relying upon each other for strength, encouragement and support.
Turning individual accomplishment into achievement
that impacts many requires more than singular thoughts that initiate personal
actions. We must leverage the abilities
of a team having diverse experiences, different perspectives and unique
aptitudes to produce the best possible outcomes that will be supported,
championed and carried out by all people or stakeholders involved (whether the
team is many or few...a group or a relationship) if we wish to achieve great
things within a good world. We must
build the foundation upon which we stand (so that we are firmly rooted and
grounded in our convictions) as we intentionally choose the paths upon which we
will travel (keeping our eyes wide open to avoid unwarranted or unwanted
turbulence). We must be approachable as
we acknowledge the abilities of others, allowing (and encouraging) them to
learn from their mistakes rather than making them fear and avoid failure. We must embrace the encouragement of individuals
around us to make personal contributions to the resolution of an issue or the
enhancement of a relationship, recognizing the importance of their input by
giving them appropriate credit (and rewards) when due, allowing them to fail as
necessary and encouraging them to “get up” when they fall rather than remaining
able to mobilize the thoughts, abilities, capabilities and experiences of those
around them accomplish much while achieving objectives not yet imagined while
reaching heights not previously considered possible in their work, their
relationships and their lives. Those
that choose to operate in ways defined by others, maintain what is already in
place and find comfort and sufficiency within relationships that have become
routine, stagnant and predictable may accomplish much but often achieve little
in life. When operating under the mantra
of seeking to “make a difference” in the lives of others by doing things
selflessly and without expectation of anything in return one might find out how
much can truly be achieved in life.
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