The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Monday, October 25, 2021


Why are some people invigorated by a seemingly insurmountable task while others seem paralyzed by the same situation?   Some see the opportunity to make progress towards the completion of a project while others shut down unless they see an immediate conclusion well within their reach.   Other than the obvious propensity towards taking risks, I would venture that there is one underlying characteristic differentiating the two attitudes – the ability to question “why not?” before acting rather than needing to understand “why” before formulating a plan.

“If only…” will never define “what is…”  When we trap ourselves within the world of excuses by asking what might have happened “if only” we had acted differently, we lose sight of reality.  Dwelling upon things NOT accomplished will never initiate change – it only reinforces our limitations (rather than celebrating our abilities).  Worrying about what we could have done differently rather than focusing upon what we did – without considering how it could be modified or changed if necessary – will never create change, it will only serve to accentuate what did not happen rather than what might still come to fruition.

Some individuals act in accordance with established policy, practice or procedure whether or not that may be the best way to do something.  They seek the safe ground that leads to known objectives rather than treading upon potentially treacherous trails that could take them to places previously unknown or not yet discovered.  Others constantly question what they are asked to do to test and temper the validity of an action prior to its being taken – considering not only what has been done in the past but also what might be an alternative to the predictable as they seek to accomplish the improbable.   What good does it do to advance an idea unless it makes a difference when implemented – or to act without benefiting either yourself or another?  One will never experience their full potential by seeking comfort within a world defined by other’s expectations nor will he or she ever discover all that might be developed, nurtured or grown within themselves if their present reality is not stretched beyond its current boundaries. 

The sands of time fall relentlessly to the bottom of an hourglass, shifting their presence from one known sphere to another that has not yet been discovered, only to repeat their journey should the glass be turned over UNLESS the sphere is shattered and something comes from the nothing that was once present.  The sun brings a new day holding possibilities not yet realized.  The seasons change, coming and going in a predictable manner that is never on the same schedule from one year to the next - and never fully or explicitly duplicates the last year's seasons onto the canvas of the next year.  Why do so many people expect their lives to change…to evolve…to grow and develop into something that is different than they have when they choose to do things as they have always done them…as they focus upon actions that produce previously realized results and experiences rather than setting their sights on what COULD have been accomplished IF ONLY they had not run out of time (without making the time to create the altered reality)?  Building from a foundation of “what could be” seems much more relevant to living life the way it was meant to be than hiding behind “What is…,” “What could have been?” or “Why try?”

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