The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Monday, October 31, 2022


Everyone makes decisions throughout their life. Whether meaningful or insignificant – personal or professional – the decisions we make and actions we take are the building blocks of the life we are able to live. Unfortunately, many people restrict their decision-making abilities by over-researching an issue or situation keeping them solidly planted “where they are” rather than allowing themselves to move towards “where they could be.” New leaders – individuals within a new relationship – often feel pressured to take action that results in change or set themselves apart as something (or someone) they might WISH to be so they can prove their value. Good leaders typically research their alternatives before choosing the path that will most likely lead to success…great leaders go one step farther by learning to anticipate unexpected results, always tempering their intentional actions with an understanding of potential risk, before making “judgment calls” that result in good decisions.

Great leaders involve others in the decision-making process by leading them to a solution rather than pushing them to a conclusion – by allowing them to see both the benefits and the potential pitfalls of any action taken rather than taking the only actionable option presented to them. Managers typically oversee and ensure RESULTS while Leaders allow others to make mistakes (from which they will ultimately grow) so they can independently initiate a successful resolution process (rather than continually being sheltered from harm’s way). Involving the individuals needed for implementation in the decision-making process allows people to make (better) judgments in the future.  Helping others make good decisions (and holding them accountable for results) will maximize the number of critical calls employees and those involved within a relationship can make themselves. When others are involved in the decision-making process – learning from both their successes and their failures – allows them to gain the confidence to lead and the courage to learn from failure. It is important that we enhance and add to the experiences of those working with and for us so that they might be able to contribute (and be ready to take over when we are ready to move up) rather than “doing it all ourselves” and finding that nobody is capable of taking our place.

The key to making great decisions is maintaining “mental flexibility.” It is OK to change your mind if the conditions or situations driving your initial decision change. It is never wrong to act UNLESS one consistently acts without first considering all the ramifications involved with the actions to be taken OR by acts inappropriately due to fear of the unknown. The only bad decision is one not made, and the only inexcusable action is one occurring unintentionally or without forethought as to potential consequences and/or ramifications.  Being unafraid to make a mistake from which you can ultimately learn is critical as our greatest rewards are often born through the painful experiences of our losses. Far too many people seek to enjoy the rewards offered by doing something differently without investing the effort needed to initiate change…wishing to initiate different results without taking appropriate transitional risks. Those able to make great decisions seek that which might be possible rather than settling for that which is probable. They tend to reach for what they dream rather than limiting themselves to what they can see – recognizing that dreams and imaginings are the precursors to great discoveries ONLY IF they are allowed to initiate action. They have learned that if consciously (and intentionally) doing nothing provides a better result, it is more advantageous to temporarily hold back (until the situation or condition changes) than to foolishly rush forward without apprehension. Before acting one should ask not only “what should be done” but also seek to determine “why” action should be taken and weighing the potential benefits of doing something against the repercussions of doing nothing.

Rarely will an exceptional leader step into a position of authority without having first performed many different jobs within an organization (demonstrating a wide array of responsibilities) without having experienced both success and failure…YET many individuals seek roles allowing them to make decisions that might lead to success having no prior knowledge or experience. Great decisions cannot be made unless one is provided the proper resources (training and/or experience) that would allow them to leave the “here and now” without fearing failure as they move towards what has yet to materialize. 

We often expect newly appointed supervisors and managers, however, to lead without receiving any transitional tools or training to help direct the work of others. We expect new parents to raise their children flawlessly without any previous experience or knowledge. We expect relationships to grow and blossom without experiencing the reality that another must come first (rather than last) in the relationship. Gaining life experience through watching, seeing and participating in a variety of different activities are critical parts within an effective decision-making process. Good decisions require experience-based judgment allowing us to “let go of what we have and who we are” so we can move from being “great doers” to being leaders who can accomplishes much through the intentional (guided, encouraged and independent) efforts of others…individuals who SHARE the benefits (and the challenges) of a good relationship with another rather than attempting to control it…maximizing the opportunities of life and the fullness it provides.

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