The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Monday, May 16, 2022


How might the world be different if transparency truly replaced the guarded face we typically present when interacting with others? If we were to transform the tolerance we often painfully exhibit when others are “not like us” into unconditional acceptance, would the world become a better place? If we could be more comfortable with who we are – readily exhibiting our strengths, acknowledging our shortcomings, and intentionally acting to bring about positive change – might we more readily embrace the similarities and accept differences of those around us?

Accepting “who we are” does not imply we do not need to change. An individual is not a static point within a sedentary world. Rather, life “happens,” and we must anticipate, respond, and reply to the challenges it presents. Being “who you are” today does not mean you should be the same tomorrow – nor does it assume you are the same today as you were yesterday. We must accept our skills, abilities, values, ethics, standards, and persona as they were yesterday – enhancing and improving upon them today – so we can build upon them as we move towards a better tomorrow – using all that we once were and all that we presently are as a springboard to that which is to come rather. Success does not come from doing what has always been done in the way that it was previously done (without change, challenge or thought) but from viewing all that has been as a harbinger of things yet to come – a precursor to excellence rather than a destination or an epitome of all things thought possible.

To become all that we can be we must first accept all that we are so we can move beyond the boundaries created by our present reality into the unlimited realm of future possibility. We cannot fulfill our potential when we are so busy immersing ourselves in the accomplishments of others that we have no time to enjoy (or even identify) our own successes. Celebrate the progress you have made with the gifts you have been given rather than dwelling upon the things you do not have or have yet to (and possibly never will) accomplish. Rather than worrying about the things you cannot yet do or the ideas you have yet to express, embrace the things you have done and the value of the thoughts you routinely bring to fruition. We must recognize “what is” while moving towards “what could be” AFTER considering “what has been” and examining what has worked (and what has failed) in the past if we are to truly make a difference in this world. We must force ourselves to take two steps forward for each one we slip back – knowing it is not what we have nor what we have done that makes us different, but rather what we have yet to do and what we have not yet accomplished. While all things are possible, some things take a bit longer to accomplish than others.

Successful individuals tend to achieve great things with and through others – gaining satisfaction from celebrating he accomplishments of others rather than seeking recognition and acknowledgement for their own thoughts or actions. Few respected individuals make decisions based solely upon what is best for themselves or their own future. When we spend too much time tracking who is doing what (wrong) that we cannot assign proper credit for everything that is done well we end up taking more time validating results than initiating or performing actions necessary to make things happen.

What you do is a greater indicator of who you are than anything you will ever say. If you do not “do what you say and say what you do,” however, you will probably never completely fulfill your potential. If you try to live within the image of another or hide within their shadows, a misspoken word or unintended action will eventually reveal your true self as being different from what you project yourself to be. It is best to be yourself in all you say and do because until (and unless) we allow others to view us as we are – to see the value we bring rather than allowing our contributions to be limited by what we might think they expect – we will not realize our true significance.

We should accept that all things are possible while recognizing some are not yet feasible. Refuse to be content with your position in life, however, continuously seeking those things not yet realized while moving towards new avenues not yet explored. When we begin to identify and fulfill our own potential, we find that “being ourselves” is not such a bad thing – which is good – because anyone else we might wish to become has already been taken.

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