The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Overcoming the Limitations of this World

I long to show you happiness…make you smile…encourage you to laugh...

I pray that I give you the strength to shine within each dark night…

I hope, in some small way, I provide you shelter in this stormy world...

That through all we share we remain steadfast in the pursuit of our dreams…

That we become one with the stream rather than being washed away by it…

That our souls remain forever joined beyond the end of measurable time…

While we overcome the senseless limitations of this world by living within the unlimited boundaries of our hearts...

Until time runs out and reality returns us to the sea…

When the night seems darkest to a troubled soul it can shroud joy experienced in the past and seemingly erase memories of better and easier times. Our memories become clouded as they define a distant and faded history rather than a place we lived, laughed, and called home (but will never see again). When storms batter our weary bodies – pounding with fury upon the windows of our soul – we often question “why?” rather than moving forward one step at a time. Darkness can become depression – exacerbated by isolation and being alone during the recent Pandemic – causing the future to seem like an impossible destination…an unfathomable leap from the safe harbors we create to shelter us from the reality that each day brings…keeping us captive within our fear and anxiety…preventing us from moving forward to realize our potential by allowing us to wallow in losses that may have brought us to our knees. When all things that were once significant sources of pride, happiness and accomplishment dissipate like water leaking through fingers holding desperately onto ice, the pleasure of the past becomes but a haunting and tormenting tribute to what once was but can never be again…reduces the highest of our highs to blend into the mediocrity of everyday existence. It is then that we should think of those who have made – and may continue to make – a difference in our lives…of all they brought to our world by simply being there at a time we may have been in need and by reinforcing our value as they listened to our pain and recognized our potential.

If we seek to overcome the limitations of this world we should give as much happiness as we receive – make another smile and encourage laughter when tears may seem more realistic. We should keep ourselves from stealing another’s joy by inserting ourselves into (rather than detracting from) their personal celebration. We should accept the support that others give us as we strive to share the strength and encouragement we may develop because we listened to another. We must stabilize our own ship so it will not capsize (putting many in harm’s way) should we step away from the winds to help someone less fortunate as we calm their struggles. When we share our dreams with others – and how we plan to bring them to fruition – we empower them to seek what might be possible beyond their own reality, allowing them to see that what is hoped for can become only when self-imposed boundaries are ignored, and the limitations of self-pity and degradation become things of the past. We must become one with the stream as it builds to a credenza prior to reaching the sea rather than allowing ourselves to simply ride upon the water’s surface and be washed away – left behind to stagnate in a swampy backwater – if we wish to make a difference within this world of artificial limitations

Strive to link your soul forever with another as you become intimate friends and inseparable cohorts building relationships that bind you as life-long companions unafraid to share darkest secrets or celebrate greatest successes. Only with another holding similar values and beliefs can you share the true joy from your journey rather than seeking satisfaction and fulfillment solely upon its conclusion. Only with the support of another will you consistently find peace in life’s valleys – and be able to celebrate the elation felt when reaching your heights. Unless one accepts them self (while accepting others) you will be unable to overcome the senseless limitations of this world. Alone you will be unable to realize the unlimited potential that a mind having no boundaries, restrictions or self-serving actions offers. Much more can be discovered when life is shared with others who seek your support (while supporting you) and accept your encouragement (while encouraging you) than can be found upon a solitary trail leading to a singular destination. Do not allow the senseless limitations of this world to become your present or prevent you from realizing your dreams. Recognize your dreams – allow them to become the driving force as you seek a future reality – and the limitations of this world will lose their control over your life, giving way to the potential of a new and brighter tomorrow. 

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