The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Monday, November 29, 2021


“Not all who wander are lost” (Tolkien) is a truism as much today as when first penned. Unless, and until, we begin to wander off the beaten path – searching for things not generally thought of or methods not typically used – the things that make up our current reality will never change and the hopes for a different future will never materialize. While many that wander aimlessly through life are lost, those that wander with a sense of purpose, a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a difference in their world, are far from lost. These intentional wanderers are leaders upon a road not yet discovered travelling towards a goal not yet identified. They seek what has not yet been found while discovering and improving all they can as they pass through unchartered territory on their way to destinations beyond their wildest dreams. Wanderers are the leaders of our world, and those willing to wander with them, beside them OR be led by them will be amazed at what wonders have yet to be discovered.

Conversely, not all who are lost wander. We cannot expect change unless we are willing to embrace it – until we consciously and intentionally move forward towards a destination or result not previously achieved. While some wander aimlessly because they are lost – sometimes even stumbling upon a great discovery or an uncharted trail – their travels are largely unplanned and their discoveries are more often than not unintentional. Many, however, who feel lost chose to lie low awaiting rescue. Rather than making a difficult situation any worse by acting in an unproven way they will find a safe harbor within which they can ride out the storm – a protected place in which to crawl during life’s storms – awaiting someone to lead them from their tribulations. Those who find comfort in the status quo – who are content to live as they have always lived so that they can have all (but no more) than they have ever had – comprise those unfortunate souls in this world content exist in their mediocrity. Individuals thriving upon the status quo may find success and function well BUT they often lose out on what could be by holding on so tightly to what is as they seek guidance from their past…looking behind them to find what has worked so that they can move forward on familiar trails that lead to known destinations. Those who do not wander will rarely find a path which has yet to be walked upon nor discover a concept that has yet to be imagined. They are but the worker bees within an ever-expanding hive – content to do as they are told in exchange for a planned and consistent universe regardless of the cost. Many seek “something for nothing” in their lives – wishing to enjoy the fruits of other’s labors or the harvest from other’s fields.

A few rare but fortunate individuals are seekers striving for change, validation or innovation. They are willing to walk away from the safety and security of “what is” in search of things that could be (awaiting discovery, consideration and implementation). Whether lost or enlightened, those that wander will find things along the way not yet discovered. The difference is that those who are lost see their discoveries as an end – a final destination or place to rest – while those that wander to seek innovation, freedom or un-heard of results see their discoveries as but the beginning of something entirely new and exciting. It has been said that the first step of any journey is the hardest but perhaps the second step – that one taken after initially stepping away from what is comfortable and secure towards that which is unknown…and those taken next once the realization of what is being left behind before an understanding of what may be gained has been established…are truly the most difficult (exhilarating and revealing) in life.  We should not expect (nor accept) life to be scripted and memorialized within a “short story” that provides no room for individuality or growth. It should be an epic novel that seemingly has no clear-cut beginning and no definitive end – an intertwined weaving of thoughts, dreams and reality that provide more we could ever imagine life holding for us as we leave what we have in search of what could be so much better.

As you walk through life, look back only long enough to know from where you have come. Stop only long enough to know where you belong or wish to be. Leverage your past to build upon your present as you seek to establish a future that could never be unveiled unless (and until) you begin to wander purposefully through life with a single-minded focus about where you wish to be rather than standing firmly within a well-documented history that can be seen clearly in life’s rearview mirror – accomplishments that tend to fade and grow smaller IF we move boldly and assertively forward in life.

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