The Employers' Association

The Employers’ Association (TEA) is a not-for-profit employers’ association, formed in 1939, with offices in Grand Rapids serving the West Michigan employer community. We help more than 600 member companies maximize employee productivity and minimize employer liability through human resources and management advice, training, survey data, and consulting services.

TEA is in the business of helping people. This blog is intended to address human issues, concerns and the things that impact people - be they self-perpetuated or externally imposed. Feel free to respond to the thoughts presented here, for without each other, we are nothing!

Monday, September 26, 2022


When you think about “new horizons,” where does your mind wander? Far too many individuals think about tomorrow as being their “distant future,” basing their decisions more upon “what is” than having faith in “what could be.” People tend to predict their next steps based upon those they just completed rather than seeking ways to reach destinations not yet considered upon roads not yet travelled. When we react and respond with measured predictability, we will rarely find ourselves surprised by where we have wandered nor unfamiliar with where we land. When we travel upon familiar roads, we rarely arrive at unexpected destinations, regardless of the good intentions that may have initiated our journey. When we continue to do things the way they have always been done, we cannot expect to reach a result which is different from what has already been achieved.

Individuals often take vacations to “refresh and recharge” so they can return to normal when the time away (which is far too often overly scheduled and busy), has concluded. Increasingly it seems that people’ lives are becoming so out of control that extended time away from work is but a dream, with long weekends and half-days being more the norm than the exception. When we do get away, many keep phones become a nearby extension of our hands so we can stay in touch with the world from which we sought a temporary respite. Those that travel alone often experience things they would have overlooked if travelling with others but may miss some of the minor details because their focus becomes one of having a list that must be accomplished. When we travel with those familiar to us, we tend to rely upon the comfort they provide – the sense of acceptance that comes from walking beside those we know and that know us – and we can get caught up in being content with what we have rather than seeking what we have not yet experienced. Whether we travel alone or with others, however, we must guard against losing sight of new horizons that could be discovered – must work hard to seek those things and activities that could provide new and different experiences rather than immersing ourselves in situations that could prevent us from fully letting go of what we wish to escape.

When our horizons are but projections of our experiences we tend to live where we are rather than where we would like to be. We watch intently over our shoulders to avoid returning to where we were BUT often fail to look ahead far enough to see where we are going. The more success we taste, the more we tend to find comfort in where we are – feeling we “have arrived” at a destination that should be considered “an end” or a reward for our efforts, allowing ourselves to become complacent and accepting of the “here and now” as a precursor to the “is and always will be.” Rather than viewing the discovery of a new horizon as an end…a conclusion…a goal which has been accomplished…we should see each end as a new beginning from which we might start our next new adventure.

Our perspective is the only thing limiting our individual horizons. We exceed our expectations only when we look beyond our present circumstances towards opportunities that may not yet have materialized…when we open our eyes to see what we might yet be accomplished rather than basking in our past glories. We should identify where we wish to be, then act intentionally to reach those levels. When we enter uncharted waters during the ebb and flow of life, rather than anchoring to remain safe in a harbor to outlast the storm we should embrace the opportunity to discover new horizons and sail cautiously forward…anticipating the pitfalls that might be ahead of us but seizing the opportunity to explore the treasure beyond the turmoil. We should think beyond the moment in whatever we say or do as today can be either one day removed from history or one day closer to an unimagined new beginning. Living within the comfort of your past – or the reality of your present – only shelters you from the successes your future could hold. 

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